Dog licking cat food cans

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Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
After I feed my cat I give the can to my dog. She licks it clean. Wife says it's gross and hates to find empty cat food cans around.

My reasons:
1) dog thinks it's a treat
2) can is clean and does not smell in garbage.
3) no water wasted rinsing cat food can.

Wife thinks my arguments are weak (she is a lawyer), but it's all I have come up with.

So gross or reasonable?

Only a married guy or living with can vote. No single guys with a 20 case oil stash need vote.
I guess the small amount of liquid left over is ok, but cat food is high in fat which is not good for dogs. I adopted an older dog 5 years ago that weighed 38 pounds but was supposed to weigh 25 pounds. The weight gain was from the previous owner not being able to afford dog food so they fed him cat food. He also had allergies to the cat food.
The size of your dog would make a difference along with how many cans your dog licks a day(wonder if that sentence is going to be censored?!)
Originally Posted By: 555
The weight gain was from the previous owner not being able to afford dog food so they fed him cat food.

That makes no sense. Cat food costs more than dog food.
Dog loves it wife feeds them to the dog all the time.
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That's nothing. Our last dog would eat the cat litter. Always fun when she would come up from the basement with litter in her whiskers and poop on the breath. Ended up blocking off the cat litter to fix that issue.
Don't see a thing wrong with it. My last dog loved to eat cat poop. I'm sure the cat told him it was just a baby ruth bar.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
I'd worry about him cutting his tongue on the sharp can.

This, as for the comment about the extra fat it's actually good for the dogs coat.
Originally Posted By: itguy08
That's nothing. Our last dog would eat the cat litter. Always fun when she would come up from the basement with litter in her whiskers and poop on the breath. Ended up blocking off the cat litter to fix that issue.

Called "litter fritters".
My wife does it all the time, we have 4 cats 2 dogs and a baby girl on the way. I just asked her for some arguments for you and apparently she thinks it is too much of a risk of them cutting their mouth....yet she gives it to them every time....pregnancy brain and hormones, IDK what to say OP
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My in-laws had a small mutt that liked cat food so much they decided to just feed him the same thing the cat ate - Purina Cat Chow. I know, it offended my sensibilities as well, but that little dog lived for eighteen years. I realize this is anecdotal, but I doubt very seriously that letting a dog lick remnants of cat food out of a can is an issue.
Simple, pick up the licked out cans immediately after the dog is done with them. Which seems like the real problem. She doesn't like seeing those cans laying around.

Cat food is like candy to dogs since the flavors are so strong compared to dog food. One of the few things you cannot train a dog not to do is avoiding cat food.
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