Value power Walmart battery acid flying out

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Mar 20, 2015
Well, today I decided to get a new battery for my ladys Camry. It's been doing this behavior where once out of the throttle the display dims down abd the fans go down in power. I figured for just 50 dollars it's worth a shot to see if this corrects the problem. I lug the 40 pound battery from the car into the store which was quite a walk. Good exercise though. Get to the battery area. The one I need is on the top shelf of course. Well the very first one has a sticker stating it was made in Saudi Arabia. Which I've heard that those batteries have been shaky as far as quality goes. Well... little did I know just how bad they were but soon found out. I lifted this battery up to move it to get another one behind it. Liquid flew out from the right side if it. I flinched backwards as best I could. Three drops hit my right forearm. I was hoping that this was just random water. The burning feeling in my arm told me that wasn't the case. I quickly wiped it off my arm against my jeans. Put that badboy on the floor. I had to move another battery to get to the one I wanted that actually had a handle on it. A little spooked I lifted it with no flying acid out of it. I got the one I wanted with the handle on it that was not made in the house of Saud.

The guy at the counter was nice and asked if I wanted to go to the bathroom and get some water run in my arm. I told him no I'm fine. Just a minor burning sensation and that I'd be all right. THANK GOODNESS this acid didn't hit me in my only GOOD RIGHT eye. I have only one good eye now due to my multiple sclerosis. Kind of scary in just how close that came to almost happening. Literally 4-5 inches from my face. So, attention all Walmart shoppers.... beware of acid discharge from Valuepower batteries made in Saudi Arabia. If you need one from the top shelf... bring safety glasses

Ohh and the new battery did fix the problem with display dimming and fans dropping. Which is a good deal.
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Did you put in a 24F battery?

They call for a group 35, but I put in a group 24F, it's longer and fits the battery tray perfectly. Same height and depth. Same price, more CCA's too. Might be worth it to swap it out again if you didn't get a 24F. I have the $49 Walmart battery too, got it in January.
Yeah man I got the 24F battery for the Camry. I wanted the higher CCA battery as well. Good minds think alike here.
Uh batteries with vent caps will leak if you slosh them around. Be cautious. One should use PPE.
Well one point to be made here is that the shelf being so tall that me being 6 foot 2 have to lift the battery around eye level or slightly above it. Thus leading to the possibility of liquid via gravity hitting one in the face. And I wonder if the vent caps are constructed in a fashion that it could lead to it coming out so easily? If so then how about having the batteries on a lower level where its a lot EASIER to keep the product level versus being at or above eye level. Also with handles it makes it even harder to keep them perfectly level. The fella working there was quite surprised by what happened.
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Originally Posted By: KingCake
Uh batteries with vent caps will leak if you slosh them around. Be cautious. One should use PPE.

Interesting. I've never had vent caps leak on any vehicle that I own, and they get sloshed around pretty good. Especially the work tractors-when bush hogging over uneven ground or doing field work get sloshed and jolted around and no leaks.
Originally Posted By: Chris Meutsch
Originally Posted By: The_Eric
Why didn't you ask for help getting the battery down?

You don't shop much at Walmart.....good luck.
ha! Try ammo there! There it sits in the locked case and nobody is around to open the case.multiple calls and still no one shows up
Beware of W/M auto batteries. Since the first of the year I have bought 2 MAXX batteries. Both had dried acid on the top. I had to carefully wash the batteries before installing them. Some sort of quality control problem.

OP, you wiped 3 drops of acid on your jeans? You will have holes there in a few days.
Originally Posted By: KingCake
Uh batteries with vent caps will leak if you slosh them around. Be cautious. One should use PPE.
Uh the battery he mentions is sealed.
Bought a 24F from Costco earlier this year. Looked at the Value battery and decided the Costco one was worth the few extra $$.
Exactly HerrStig that's what I was thinking as well. That this battery was likely to be sealed. That's why it surprised me quite a bit.

As far as asking for help.... A. One person there helping another customer. So, no one around. B. I am a type person to DO IT MYSELF as much as I can. I don't ask for a handout. Guys, I work for a living. I am blessed to be able to do all that I do. Yesterday was a very good day so I don't mind getting my own battery myself. In fact... the guy working at the cash register asked me to pick up my old battery and put it in his cart behind the desk. Which I was happy to do.

On this last weekend I wanted to complete this job... I wasn't up for it at all. Saturday was the worst day I've had in 2 months. So my legs feeling very good and not feeling a lot of fatigue at all was very nice. I gladly will get my own battery and carry one when I'm feeling very good.
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