How do dumb people get into college?

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Feb 28, 2003
Bradford, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
I was in WalMart Sunday night and overheard some college students in line ahead of me discussing Martin Luthor King. One girl thought that he was a past president.

Not only am I wondering how she made it into college, but how she made it out of high school.
Just an example of how poor our public school system is and how it allows students to graduate from a "group" and "relativist" curriculum instead of individualism and true achievement. This nation has had it's "prime-time" (the last century) and now it's on the decline.
in TN, there's a movement here to lower the GPA standards to allow the students to get the lottery scholarship here. they think the 3.0 gpa standard is too high and want it lowered to 2.8 and a 19 ACT LOL

Originally posted by Cutehumor:
in TN, there's a movement here to lower the GPA standards to allow the students to get the lottery scholarship here. they think the 3.0 gpa standard is too high and want it lowered to 2.8 and a 19 ACT LOL

Depending on what degree one seeks, I doubt you could even come close to passing a college basic calculus course or an advanced stats course, like most business colleges now require, with scores like that. I had a 27 I think on the math part of the ACT, and I squeeked through calculus, and I'm in the process of petitioning my school to lower my stats requirement. Because I'm on a different track than everyone else, for some reason, I have an advanced stats requirement
400 level class. I've had 2 other stats classes in college, and there's no way I'm taking this 400 level class! To say it is hard, would be like saying the sky is blue. It is THE class the prevented over a majority of our business students from graduating, so they lessened the requirement for future students, but I fall into the category of students that have to take it
I think it was Albert Einstine that said "Universities give stupid people the qualifications they need to go out into the world and do real damage"

Originally posted by kenw:


I never claimed I had gone to college. I can tell you that I got A's in spelling all the way up to the 5th grade

Regardless of my education and spelling abilities, I still know things that this college student didn't. I feel pretty good about this, considering my less than perfect high school record.
I dun gradeated two....

Finishing college in solid fashion, no matter the school, and doing your best shows something.

If anyone finds out, let me know!

Einstine? Yikes!
There are many Colleges that accept every student that applies. There are also many Colleges that accept almost every student that applies.
Listen to Sean Hannity 3 pm eastern on Thursdays for his man on the street interviews. You would not believe how stupid the average college student is on current affairs. I'm talking dumb as a rock stupid.
This is an example of how sad things are...

At Carleton University I took a course called "Professional Practice" which teaches ethics to engineering students (yeah, I know, how do you teach ethics?). Anyway, a bunch of students got busted for handing in essays copied from the internet. We got national press and everything but the university didn't kick out any of the students. They just made them write new essays like they were supposed to do in the first place.
One of my friends even got interviewed by the CBC and they chopped up his answer and turned it from him being against cheating to him being for it! Sounds to me like that journalist cheated his way through university and skipped the ethics classes too.

I live in a town that has a higher than normal amount of college degree holders. Mainly retired military officers. Some try to talk over your head, snub you, treat you less than equal but, there are some who are very down to earth. A degree may make you more educated in some ways but, it does not make you better. These fellows for the most part need some type of transition course when close to retirement to civilian life. Most can't get it through there head that they are not god. They find out when they get the good paying computer jobs here in town that co workers will mouth off to them, cuss them out not matter what their position is. They get smacked in the face with culture shock very quickly. My I.Q. is right up there with theirs but, they still try to belittle you to some extent by using as we say in Kansas "$10.00 Words" Plain english is excepted in the United States still as far as I know. One of my freinds said it best, "They might be smart but, they just have no common sense." I've worked for some of them on what I call Mini Make Believe Ranches. Mainly 12-20 head of cattle crammed out to 10-15 acres of land. I watched so called home projects that they had no business trying- One was building forms for a concrete water trough for the cattle. The man was a retired officer from Army Intellegence. The wall form wood was a few millimeters thick, not even plywood. I swear it was wood from vegetable crates. The wood for the reinforcement framing was cheap scrap splittered stuff. This man was making in an excess of a quarter million dollars a year and this is the material and brain work he put into the project. My buddy who was with me looked straight at me and we both busted out laughing at the whole thing. I told my friend to stand back because the cement truck was pourly the mix in the forms and I know the forms are going to bust out and bust out they did. As soon as the forms started giving out the retired officer started yelling to grab scrap wood to jam it in place to stop the leaking. Right then and there we told him that he did not build the forms worth a you know what with some quality new materials. His ego could not take it and replied "Oh it will hold, I know it will I built it right." As I said before, You can be smart but, still have no common sense.
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