Hmmm... (lube) + MoS2 =

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Dec 16, 2005
Michigan, Thumb's Up!
Hmmm... might (Kroil,Gibbs,CorrosionX, etc.) + MoS2 = a decent lock penetrant/lube?

Just a passing homebrew thought as I presently don't have any graphited off-the-shelf lubes in my kit.
I find graphite lubes to be WAY overrated.
I try to stick with a squirt bottle and a bit of synthetic oil of your choice. Lasts a lot longer than graphite, although not as easy to get to some places as a bottle of silicone spray oil.

BTW, Kroil is amazing. I'd bet that SiliKroil, kroil with silicone additive for lube and penetration, is redicliously amazing.
Well, Kano offers both a silicone (Silikroil) and graphite (Penephrite) variation of Kroil, but I haven't tried them. Kroil I have, and is just the ticket for many jobs. I was just thinking of adding the MoS2 to a shot of it, and getting close to their Penephrite offering. Kroil itself has it's rather volatile elements that may be rather aggressive on a plastic container if you try to keep it around for very long; I assume so anyway.
a few months ago the weather forecast said it was going to be a low of 10 and a high of 20 for a week or so.

I picked up some of that lock lube stuff..... the day after i applied it my lock was frozen....

I mean.... ive always been able to get my key in and unlock after a few tries. But the lube made absolutely no difference.

Ill try the adding of synth oil next time. Good looking out.
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