YouTube Music uploaded Format

Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
I see I can upload music in a few formats, like MP3, WMA, FLAC, others. Some of those are lossless. So what format is YouTube Music storing it when I upload it. If its a lossless format then it seems it would best to RIP off CD into a lossless format like WMA Lossless rather than what I have been doing which was MP3.

On the other hand I am over 65, hearing is a little shot like the rest of my body. Too much loud music in college.
Not sure in what format YT Music is actually storing your uploads, but when you play them back from the cloud, they're streamed as 256 kbps AAC, AFAIK.
Youtube will **store** the original file and you'll be able to download it again at a later date. It will **stream** that file in a variety of (lossy) formats ( which will be both selectable by the user and would auto-adapt to screen sizes and network performance.

I would 100% upload a lossless format: Not only will you have a pristine file archived for later retrieval if and when you need; but Youtube will NOT be re-compressing the file, introducing artifacts from two compressions.