Will remote oil filter systems cause dry startups?

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Nov 29, 2009
This is probably the best place to ask, so here it goes. I bought a new 350 Chevy for my boat. It's a complete drop in engine. Well once you put it in the boat it's pretty hard to loosen the oil filter especially if it got overtightened, so it looks like it's pretty common for a marine engine to have the oil filter relocated. My concerne is it loosing prime. Also in the picture it looks like the filter is upside down, so it looks like a mess to change.
Wouldn't the relocation lines hold oil once the engine is shut off anyway? Seems no different.
If the oil filter has and Anti-Drain-Back-Valve - it should not matter - of course, depending on how well the valve works.
What do you mean by dry start. I hear the term often. When the engine is not running the oil drains from the passage ways.
Originally Posted by CT8
What do you mean by dry start. I hear the term often. When the engine is not running the oil drains from the passage ways.

Basically the amount of time it takes for the engine to build oil pressure and oil to get up to the head(s). That is one of the cool things about a dry sump system, you can take the belt off and run the pump with a drill to build pressure before starting the engine.
IF there is something in the remote setup, or within the engine's internals that is causing drain-back of the oil after the engine is shutoff, then it's possible that the remote system might lead to a couple seconds of 'dry' start-up. If it's installed right, there are no leaks, and the engine is working properly, then no, I wouldn't think so.
Originally Posted by tundraotto
If the oil filter has and Anti-Drain-Back-Valve - it should not matter - of course, depending on how well the valve works.

Yeah a lot of them dont work well. I guess if you use a good quality filter it's a non issue.
Originally Posted by tundraotto
If the oil filter has and Anti-Drain-Back-Valve - it should not matter - of course, depending on how well the valve works.

I have no ADBV in my filter and the remote filter set up is filled with oil.
You'll need to prime the system if the engine has never been run before - - ever.

Generally, You aren't starting "under load".

If your boat is like mine, you start it at IDLE and in NEUTRAL...
That's really a very "low-stress condition for the engine to run in.

Use a timer and check your oil pressure gauge on a cold start.
If it takes more than 5 seconds of running time to build pressure, I would be surprised.
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