Please changed the color of the read/not read stuff, just bolding isnt enough.

Jan 3, 2020
Ontario, Canada
I know the unread stuff is bolded, but still makes it hard to read.
Please changed the color of the read/not read stuff! Way to hard to tell skimming through the forums. Make it Blue/Grey or something that contrasts a bit more...
Thanks for the great forums :)
Try the "gray" theme. It appears to have the most contrast, at least to my eyes.
I know the unread stuff is bolded, but still makes it hard to read.
Please changed the color of the read/not read stuff! Way to hard to tell skimming through the forums. Make it Blue/Grey or something that contrasts a bit more...
Thanks for the great forums :)

Seriously do you have a vision problem? I'm 76 years old and have absolutely no issues with this.
The grey theme helps a lot, but everything on my system is a dark theme :(

EDIT: yeah its def the dark theme that is doing it. Can it be modified?
Also can't tell what threads I've posted in. The lil square is the same bank state/color as the thread icon...
The thread icon is the OP's avatar, and the ones you've posted in should have a smaller icon of your own avatar on top of OP's avatar. As such, they are fairly easy to see, and I'm using the Dark Theme.
No its not my monitor. Same way on all three systems here and both my phones. Not my eyes, I have better then 20/20 vision.