Looking for real cheap or free vehicle in Pittsburgh PA area

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Aug 22, 2009
Pittsburgh,PA U.S.A.
I have a 69 year old neighbor with a very bad knee who has a 2003 Chevy Cavalier that needs about $1300 worth of work to pass inspection and he is living $700 a month from SS and can't afford to fix his car, and his car is not worth putting that much into it.

The local bus stop is too far from his home for him to walk to with his bad knee so he really needs a vehicle to get around.

What would be great is if someone in this area had a old vehicle they did not want anymore that would still pass inspection. It does not have to be anything that gets great gas millage because he only uses his vehicle to go to local stores up to a couple of miles away on Brownsville road in the South hills where cars normally do 25 to 35 mph.

I know this is almost like looking for a unicorn but I also remember years ago when I had an old vehicle that still ran that I just wanted to get rid of it and I gave it to a cousin of mine.

I realize that there is a good chance that nothing will come from posting this thread, but I just thought I would put it out there in case someone can help him out.
Jim, I sympathize with his situation. Fraternal organizations such as Lions, Rotary etc. have been very generous in these types of circumstances. Perhaps try to reach out to one of your local clubs.
If he cant afford the maintenance, how can he afford the car. Means the car is going to suffer, then when it breaks down he will need another car again, course life is temporary and a decent car can go a long time before breaking down. I have owned many old cars and they all have needed some expensive work that I can do myself as I have been wrenching off and on for 40 years. It is why you go to the salvage yard and see so many cars, the people who owned a car at the end of its life won't or can't justify a repair due to the costs.

I almost gave away a 1995 running Saturn with a just passed Virginia state inspection, but was enabled to sell it for $800.
Unpopular opinion, but I think the focus should be on getting his current car fixed. Maybe get a lower quote from different garages, or have a neighborhood mechanic or tech student do the work. $1300 to get an ancient car to pass inspection really is pretty reasonable. You might find another ancient econobox that barely passed inspection this year for $1,000, but in a year's time it's going to need $2,000 for repairs and he'll be in the same boat next year, possibly even worse off. The clunker you know is better than the clunker you don't, IMO.
Originally Posted by IronMaidenRules
Unpopular opinion, but I think the focus should be on getting his current car fixed. Maybe get a lower quote from different garages, or have a neighborhood mechanic or tech student do the work. $1300 to get an ancient car to pass inspection really is pretty reasonable. You might find another ancient econobox that barely passed inspection this year for $1,000, but in a year's time it's going to need $2,000 for repairs and he'll be in the same boat next year, possibly even worse off. The clunker you know is better than the clunker you don't, IMO.

This 1000%
Not sure how to go about it, but I have been gifted two vehicles that I used to run around in and park (with much difficulty and waiting for a spot to open) in New York City back in the 1980's. The free price on both vehicles was just about right, or perhaps a bit over-priced if you want to know the truth.

I drove them until the wouldn't run anymore which is all I wanted since parking the car was a pain. Needed to get an inspection sticker in the back of the garage for an extra $20, which was pretty easy to do back in the day (no more though). None lasted more than a year or two at most. I had several other used purchases for $400-$500 that were not much better.

Its a flip of the coin as to whether its better to pay to fix the current ride or get a free-bee if one is available. If he can get a free-bee with a recent inspection sticker, that may be the way to go.
Junk parts are the poor man's friend. See above. ^^
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