Dealers and Warranty Work

Dealerships are a training ground for someone who wants to be a tech. I worked at different Dealerships for 25 years. Work at one that was busy and when it slowed, went to another and got a raise on top of it. Made alot of money with Toyota. Cadillac didn't like I could do door blend motors in 2 hours or less, with warranty pay was 8 hours. They even sent district manager to observe me to make sure I did repair correctly.
Here's the thing no one has mentioned yet:

The dealer tech has to take a pay cut to work on your car that's under warranty.
Lets say that he normally gets paid $30 per hour on Customer Pays work.
And let's say that its an actual involved issue, like replacing the lifters on a Dodge Ram or a Chevy Silverado, since I know how many of you don't like AFM systems on these engines.

So it takes about 12 hours or so do do the job, and the tech can only work on this one engine over the course of 2 days.

So, the tech has to spend 2 days fixing the issue, for less pay, while the guys who work at the truck factory get year end bonus' for making this pile of junk that broke, and yet he has to take a pay cut to fix their mistakes.

Remind me again why any tech wants to work at a dealership?