After 22 years a freeway project is finally finished.

copying 'Boss Town' (C my abpve)/ Our nation is like that.
We had urban renewal @ the 'food hub'. It was the ol european style. Buyers for the chains came in, saw the wears displayed, said I'll take xx tons. Off it went to Krogers for a state-wide regon. A lanner came in and turned it into Fanuel Hall region. Then they hired him out & he did Baltimore, hired to St Lou, etc.
May be in the same process w/this. Read my link so as to stop it if possible.

I thought this was a different kind of restoration project

Their hov lane may finally be done, but the widening and whatever else they've done there has been a project since the early 1990's - I'm a local to the area and they've been working on I-5 by the dome my entire life (I'm in my 30's now...)
Their hov lane may finally be done, but the widening and whatever else they've done there has been a project since the early 1990's - I'm a local to the area and they've been working on I-5 by the dome my entire life (I'm in my 30's now...)

Just wait. They are going to extend WA167 over to I-5 like it should have been 40 some years ago. I’ve heard it will be Pay to Play though. The truck drivers will like it.