Search results

  1. D

    Brakes & Rotors Recommendations. Durable.

    Can I get recommendations for reasonably priced quality brakes for a heavy sedan? On my '05 Ford 500 I've been told that I need brakes and rotors all around by 1 completant mechanic and another that did not really look. I can get them installed reasonably by a neighbor but can not figure which...
  2. D

    gift pack ideas wanted

    I am thinking about putting together a gift pack for the wife. It would contain a few 'wipes' packages. What are good cleaners / protectors for windows and the dash? No leather.
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    Rust spreads

    My wall mounted metal oil cabinet rusted a couple years ago after I spilled transmission fluid on the bottom. Still is rusting. Anyway, now anything metal near the cabinet rusts. A cordless dewalt drill left on the bench under the cabinet rusted. Everywhere. Never seen a drill rust like that...
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    Fram vs. Wix

    I had thought that the Fram was as good as any other when I installed it last year on my 05 500. This year purchased a Wix. When I took out the old Fram and compared it to the new Wix I found it is almost exactly the same. It had a different part number on the side and the wix had twice the...
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    SM / CF vs. SM Question

    Most of the oil I see is rated SM. Some of the premium stuff is SM/CF (Mobile 1, some other full synthetic and a very very few non-syn PCMO. I believe that CF is a diesel rating and SM is the latest gas engine rating. Anyway, would not oil rated "SM/CF" be a ---better--- oil than just SM oil...
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    Supertek filters gasket

    When I took the filter off, the gasket stuck to the engine. I did not see it or feel it when I put the new filter on. Found out I have a good oil pump. Spit out all the oil in the engine in just a few seconds. I was sitting in the car, listening to a strange sound. Sounded like fluid - I thought...
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    Flush or drain?

    Would y'all recommend flushing the at or draining and refilling. As long as I am asking how about teh brakes and power stearing?