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  1. N

    Post what you used in your first car.

    Forgot to mention that my 1st car was a 69 GTO 400 ci :p)
  2. N

    Post what you used in your first car.

    Back then....whatever was the cheape$t.
  3. N

    What's in your oil can?

    Motomaster full synthetic for all my toys.
  4. N

    Pros/Cons- Gas water heater vs Electric WH???

    In the Toronto Ontario vicinity natural gas reins supreme mainly due to energy costs as well as fast recovery times. When I need to replace my conventional h/w tank I will definately go tankless.
  5. N

    Observation about C-T 'Autolab' oil certification

    Thanks for the info. Personally I prefer reading the Toronto Star while I'm waiting there. lol