Redline 5w30 VOA with TBN

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Oct 1, 2010
From Polaris labs.

Elemental Analysis:
Silicon; 15 ppm
Sodium; 11
Moly; 670
Boron; 120
Magnesium; 14
Calcium; 2469
Phos; 1221
Zinc; 1504

KV100 = 10.5 cSt
TBN = 8.55
Oxidation = 108
Nitration = 8

When I had Polaris do a UOA on Redline out of my Camaro back in March, they got oxidation and nitration numbers of 115 and 31, respectively, and flagged oxidation as severely high. But this VOA shows 108 for new oil, so they were being unnecessarily alarmist:
"Lubricant and filter change is suggested if not done at sampling time; Infrared results indicate OXIDATION is SEVERELY
HIGH; Infrared results indicate that NITRATION is at a SEVERE LEVEL; Total Base Number is MODERATELY LOW; Abrasives
(silicon/dirt) are at a MINOR LEVEL; Please submit a new lube for BASELINE REFERENCE; In order to properly compare data to
the right standards, we need manufacturer and model of the unit, and the manufacturer, type and grade of the lubricant;
Flagged data has been rechecked and confirmed;"

But one question I do have: Is an increase in Nitration from 8 to 31 cause for concern?
Thanks for sharing. The high oxidation figure is due to the large amount of poe base oil.
Yes, higher boron, calcium, AND zinc than what I was expecting, BUT a lower moly level than I thought (expecting > 900 ppm! ).

Dave at Red Line himself only claims a TBN of 8.0 for all of their oils, so I will take that .55 extra and run with it!!
RL's viscosity indexes are already very impressive IMO. All of their 0w grades exceed M1 and Amsoil. Mainly their 0w30/40. The 0w40 has a VI of 197.

*And they are doing with with little to zero VM'ers.
Originally Posted By: buster
RL's viscosity indexes are already very impressive IMO. All of their 0w grades exceed M1 and Amsoil. Mainly their 0w30/40. The 0w40 has a VI of 197.

*And they are doing with with little to zero VM'ers.

It's zero VIIs/VMs in the 0W-20 ONLY, probably why it's VI is so (comparitively) low to the 0W-30/40.

But yes, they add very little into the other 0Ws, and hopefully whatever is added is of the VERY best quality/shear resistance.
Did Polaris Labs flag this oil with a SEVERELY HIGH Oxidation level and suggest you throw it away because it's unsuitable for use?

Those guys make me laugh with their SEVERELY HIGH comments.
They flagged the used oil sample I sent them in march, and asked me for a sample of new oil to get a baseline. It took me a couple of months to send them the new oil. Needless to say, with a baseline oxidation number of 108, the used oil oxidation of 115 concerns me not at all.
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