Milk drinking

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There are two things needed to absorb calcium:

I infer from the above comments that the are from proponents and advocates of the typical western diet. To broaden the horizon of a not so new approach to health and longevity is to consume food in its natural raw state as often and as practicable as possible.

Any heat applied to living organisms above 47-deg. celcius will alter the life giving goodness in food and will change its structural engineering. The human body's computer then needs to manufacture and produce enzymes to try to absorb and make use of whatever has been chewed and placed in its stomach.

We could help our bodies to assist with the digestive processes by reducing the amount of work the body needs to do, by eating a predominately raw and natural food diet.

Thus minimising strain on the major organs of the body such liver, pancreas etc. so the body is not sapped of its energies and it can focus on keeping a strong defensive immune system. Milk is one of those products that fits into the difficult to digest baskets, and humans are the only animals that continue to consume it into adulthood.

If we look at nature, we see that the young feed exclusively on milk until weaned away from it with other foods.

I provide this information to challenge the western approach to food and to see how it should be consumed from natures example, and where there is a departure from nature disease may be the messenger that alerts us to seek the truth.

To that love milk any milk and will continue to drink it BUON APPETIT and enjoy.

To those who have ears to hear what's been said I hope you seek information, as there is a treasure full on the web.

Signing off on this post.


If we look at nature, we see that the young feed exclusively on milk until weaned away from it with other foods.

How often do you see human babies feeding from a cow's uddder?
wohoaaaa there!

I've heard that drinking to much milk can actually be bad. Any truth to that? Some days I honestly drink a half gallon
The good thing is I rarely drink soft drinks.
I used to drink a lot of whole milk.... then out of a desire to lose some weight drank 2% milk. After reading the fine print on the carton saw where first they take all the "good" stuff out of the milk, then add powdered milk back into it so it will have some flavor. That turned me off, but still couldn't find anything I liked as well. Now soy milk is taking over noticible shelf space. I pretend to like it some. A friend of mine who is from "soy bean country" told me not to touch it because it is processed with HEXANE, which is something you definately want nothing to do with..... what to do...???
Here is another vote for Soy milk. I too never warmed up to the taste of cow milk (though I love cheese), perhaps because I spent a lot of time on a dairy farm and saw how it was produced.

I like the Silk "very very vanilla" variety. Great with cereal.
You people are nuts!

Milk is bad. Soy is bad. Red meat is bad. Chicken is bad. Fish contains mercury. Everything is bad unless labeled "organic" (which seems to me a silly term when used in that context)

You people are nuts!

Milk is bad. Soy is bad. Red meat is bad. Chicken is bad. Fish contains mercury. Everything is bad unless labeled "organic" (which seems to me a silly term when used in that context)

You don't expect most of these guys to get out of this world alive?


Can't be any worse than water!,,,,,,Fish f--- in that stuff!


The quote goes like this:
"Water? No thank you, fish make love it."
Tell me who said this in what famous movies.
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