My last green went in today

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Jan 6, 2005
North Alabama
I just used up the last of my green GC. This stuff sure has been good in my VW 1.8T. This fill of GC had 7250 miles on it when I changed it today. I MAY get a UOA, but keep reading to the end.....

For any of you VW 1.8T owners out there, listen up: I used the oversized Mobil 1 M1-301 filter. It fits perfectly & does not touch anything around it. I love this filter. It should be a good one for my planned 7500 mile run.

On a side note, I had a clasic wavinwayne idiot moment while draining the oil. I removed the drain plug, which fell into the bottom of my drain pan, of course. It was only then that I realized I left my Blackstone oil sample container in my bedroom......there was no way to stop the draining oil.

So I crawl out from under the car, dash into the house, grab the container, run back out to the garage, only to find oil spilled all over my garage floor. I must have hit the drain pan with my foot when I was scrambling to get out from under the car & into the house.

Since most of the oil had drained by the time I got back to the car, I was only able to fill the Blackstone container half-way, with the last bit of oil out of the pan. Bottom line; I'm not sure if the oil that I did get would be an accurate measure of the oil's performance. What say the BITOGers?

[ July 09, 2005, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: wavinwayne ]
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