Review of Sangrean Weather Radio CL-100

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Sep 27, 2014
It has been around 60 days since I received it. It take a while to program but simple to do.
I used just one county code for alerts.
One can adjust the volume level of the alerts except for the Tornado Warning.
The clock radio is easy to set up as well. it has dual alarms so you can choose which days and times you want to get up at.
Last night here in KC it got a workout! Quite the storms came through.
They only thing was I screwed up and did NOT put in the back up batteries.

The power went out too. WHOOPS.

Other than that it works very well.
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i have had one for several years now........I think it is absolutely good that I went ahead and ordered two more......just to keep in the case the first one ever wears out.............I could not be happier with mine............
Same here Chief, I only keyed in my own county on my new Midland 120 . It seems to work fine . It sent a warning awhile back when we had a huge rain storm other than that no severe weather to set it off. I do hit the on switch to listen to the weather forcast often.Not sure if I have a alarm wake-up setting on mine but no problem because I keep it in the family room.
I have several radios made by the company including a short wave receiver which is their version of the famous Sony 2001. All work well, nice cases and good quality controls.
Sangean used to be one of the best mass-produced radios out there, so I'm assuming that's probably still the case. I bought my late dad a relatively expensive Sangean "pocket" radio which was actually about half the size of a pack of cigarettes but had tremendous selectivity and sensitivity for what it was...on a good night he'd pick up stations in Utah and Colorado from Northern California. I don't doubt their weather radios are of the same quality.
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