Brass drift?

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Apr 17, 2012
West Michigan
Are these available anywhere any more? None of the local hardware stores or big box stores have anything on the shelf and even Amazon has few options. I used to have a nice brass rod about 12in that worked great for various stuff but its long gone now.
Isn't it just a brass rod, used as a drift. I just got an brass off cut from my local workshop.
I had the same problem when I wanted to buy a Brass Hammer.

Home Depot had ALL kinds of hammers, but NO brass.

Ended up getting one at Harbor Freight.
Used on: Letter & Number Stamps.
Keeps the hitting surface from mushrooming.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Yes, they are still around and available lots of places.

Harpsichord tuners still use them ???
I found us made ones on Amazon not long ago, and also saw them just the other day as "Carlisle" tools at Napa.
You can purchase brass rod stock at any industrial store. When I was in power generation, all the mechs made drifts out of rod stock. Haven't had a need for a brass drift in 25 years as I don't disassemble anything anymore.
Sorta off track. When I need to concentrate the 10 pounder onto the ball joints of the 528e I rig a stand for a 2' stick of 5/8 all thread. It is grade 2 and soft
Just order brass stock in any size and length you want. If you want it tapered just grind it to shape, nothing special about the drifts that your looking for.
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