Stockholm: Ban Cars!

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Swedes are generally considered an environmentally conscious bunch, but could a Scotsman in Stockholm make them even more eco-friendly?

That’s exactly what Edinburgh native Neil Fraser is hoping to achieve with his new pedicabs company, Hej Hej. The Scot thinks he has found the solution to both pollution and traffic gridlock in the Swedish capital. And his ambitions are big.

“In the future I’d say that cycle taxis should take over. Make the whole city sustainable, ban cars from the city centre, and have the state fund cycle taxis instead,” he says.


Tricycles are popular in poor countries in Southeast Asia, not in developed countries.
If you ask me, he's looking for government backed mandate to use his up-and-coming cycle cab company.. Apparently they DO have lobbyists in Sweden, and he's trying to be one of them.
Originally Posted By: CT8
Coming soon to the U.S.A via Bilderberg meeting.

True, if folks can't see the new world order being imposed on them yet, they never will, either because they are retarded, or don't care.
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