Amsoil Dallas Warehouse

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Sep 26, 2010
I had to go to Dallas on business and while I am there I usually place an order and pick it up to save on shipping costs. I always mean to snap a picture of all of that Amsoil goodness and always forget to, but remembered this time. Enjoy!



Nice! Yeah it only takes about a day to get it to Houston. It's great oil, just too spendy by the time you add in the shipping and all that. I'm contemplating switching back to just regular oil. Need to cut costs and a $30 dollar oil change on a mower is ridiculous. Could buy a new engine twice at that cost almost.
Always like seeing warehouses in operation. I got to go to the Ford Parts Distribution Center in Rancho Cucamunga once and was amazed at how that place was run.
Not oil related, but I occasionally do service calls at a local Hershey warehouse.

There is always some product that has come out of the packaging...

It needs a good home...
I remember the forklift at my job went 400hrs without an oil change while I was there. No telling how many hours were on the oci before I got there.
Originally Posted By: 05LGTLtd
I wonder what the oci on that forklift is???
Similar to the one in Richmond I used to frequent. As to shipping cost, I rarely use Amsoil anymore but did order some ATF recently, extremely surprised that the shipping cost was low. If I had to calculate the cost of driving to the warehouse from where I lived in richmond (RT of about 50 miles) using the full cost per mile (like IRS) the shipping was less than driving. Overall their products are still overpriced though.

I found it interesting in the recent Amsoil News a letter was written asking why they don't increase dealer commissions as an incentive to promote more full time dealers. response, well, we would have to increase the price and competition is already too tough. Amsoil is a private company so no one knows the real profits being made by the owners but obviously they do not want to share any more of them with dealers.
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