Dilbert and I worked for the same company.

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Jan 21, 2005
Charlotte, NC
This is shortly before I retired on July 01-93

Originally Posted By: Shannow
I'm firmly of the view that I shared an office with Scott Adams for decades.

Now that must of been interesting......
One day was amazingly coincidental.

Was at the morning planning meeting, and a (former) manager was going off about the progress of a job. (ICAL boiler circulation pump, think trying to pull a 2 tonne transmission overhead, with two guys standing in a walk in pantry....foreman was explaining the thight quarters, limited mobility, and 2 tonnes hanging over their head.

"I don't care, throw more people at it"

That day's RSS feed had PHB (Pointy Haired boss) wander up to Dilbert and say (roughly).
* I've got a new project for you.
* I've prepared a timeline and it will take 300 man days.
* I need it finished by tomorrow, so they are all outside waiting.
Anybody who has ever worked any kind of job can sympathize with the people who created Dilbert and Office Space.

In all the auto repair places I worked, nobody would have routine inspections and maintenance work on the vehicle lifts. The people who manage these companies do a great job of explaining to customers why regular maintenance and inspection is important and saves money long term. However, they treat their lifts like a beater of a car.

One reason I am half-glad to get sidelined by medical issues.
That's about my work. There are a few copiers and printers that we would gladly Office Space. Or the recent IT "overhaul" that forgot half the facility...
I experienced something like this back in the mid 80's. At the time I was rewriting service manuals so that the new hires could understand them. The current ones looks ok to me. I was told that they were originally written to a 12th. grade level. About 6 months into this we were told that the project was cancled...

Oldmopar guy...that strip is nasty.

Had one occasion where I was to be nominated for an award, and my boss at the time made me write the submission, then tell me that I had to look surprised if I got it.
You hit the nail on the head with an earlier response to a similar topic. Those pointy-haired bosses have too many good people working under them to fail. I like to think that "we" make them look good.
Originally Posted By: sciphi
That's about my work. There are a few copiers and printers that we would gladly Office Space. Or the recent IT "overhaul" that forgot half the facility...

By my estimate, our elderly B&W printer-fax-copier-scanner has outlasted two moves, three managers, four "replacements", and at least one cup of coffee.
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