North Korean on business trip.....

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One of the most dumbfounding things I have seen on TV was a report about a Western medical team that travelled to NK to perform free cataract operations. Many the people treated had cataracts in both eyes and there was no possibility for treatment from their own healthcare system.
There was a little bandage removing ceremony for a rather large mob of patients and, without fail, upon removal every single person marched over in front of the required portraits of the Great Leader (Kim Il Sung) and the Dear Leader (Kim Jong Il) and loudly thanked them for their leadership in restoring their vision. Many of them swore that they would use their improved sight to fight America and keep it from destroying their socialist paradise. Not a single word of thanks for the doctors.
You couldn't write a script like that and make it believeable...
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"We paean their great leader Kim Il Sung."

-- Commander Lloyd M. Bucher, USS Pueblo

PS the middle finger means "good luck".
When the leader of your country feeds his own uncle to a pack of vicious hungry dogs, and shoots the defense minister with an anti-aircraft gun for the egregious charge of falling asleep during a meeting, you grow to be VERY enthusiastic and supporting of the current jerk in charge.
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