The Reality of Self-Driving Cars

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Jun 9, 2003
Sequim, WA

This should probably be in the humor section, but some day it may not be so humorus. On second thought, it'll still be funny.

I have come across a few nimrods with diesel pick ups I would enjoy doing that to. Letting you vehicle warm up for an hour, especially when it sounds like a railroad yard locomotive, is not cool.
Independent of any safety or 'need for infrastructure' issues, I'm not in the least bit interested in autonomous vehicles. A recent poll I read had the interest level in the 40% range...and if you separate the technology from the actuality, then I would guess it would be even lower.

I drive in a congested commute but would still prefer driving myself to a "commuter pod" that takes me there. I can potentially see a huge generational rift if these vehicles ever became the norm, but for the time being it still seems like Google, Apple, and the "techschnoid" crowd are the only ones who get excited. Could it be that the reality of self-driving cars is that people aren't interested??
Even if the "techsnoid" crowd as you call it is the only ones interested, that's a big enough market to sustain development.

In this day and age, a thing doesn't need to appeal to every last person on the planet.
Originally Posted By: Vuflanovsky
Independent of any safety or 'need for infrastructure' issues, I'm not in the least bit interested in autonomous vehicles. A recent poll I read had the interest level in the 40% range...and if you separate the technology from the actuality, then I would guess it would be even lower.

I drive in a congested commute but would still prefer driving myself to a "commuter pod" that takes me there. I can potentially see a huge generational rift if these vehicles ever became the norm, but for the time being it still seems like Google, Apple, and the "techschnoid" crowd are the only ones who get excited. Could it be that the reality of self-driving cars is that people aren't interested??

Some of the new cars have enough tech to be self driving, it's just that the self driving stuff deactivates if you take your hands off the steering wheel. Basically they have adaptive cruise control, lane tracking, blind spot assist, collision avoidance and a host of other features.

Adaptive cruise control has been around for a while, but it seems as if it's trickling down to several other manufacturers. Car sales are up, people don't seem to be just happy with just leather and a sunroof, they're now in the mode of the phone, get a new model every few years because more new features come out every year. They have perfume scents in the C class now.
I'd love to get a self driving car for my kids and my senior parents. Some of them still need to go around but couldn't drive.

Then I also would love to get 2 extra hours of sleep during commute one day.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear
I'd love to get a self driving car for my kids and my senior parents. Some of them still need to go around but couldn't drive.

Then I also would love to get 2 extra hours of sleep during commute one day.
It's part of being an adult!!! Your parents obviously did a great job judging your postings.The kid part,, that is the pleasure of being a parent. Both my parents died and I would love to be able to drive them around and both my kids are adults and I would love to turn the clock back and drive them where to they needed to be . I ache thinking about the pleasure my kids were when they were young. You will be able to catch up on sleep when you retire.
Originally Posted By: Vuflanovsky
Independent of any safety or 'need for infrastructure' issues, I'm not in the least bit interested in autonomous vehicles. A recent poll I read had the interest level in the 40% range...and if you separate the technology from the actuality, then I would guess it would be even lower.

I drive in a congested commute but would still prefer driving myself to a "commuter pod" that takes me there. I can potentially see a huge generational rift if these vehicles ever became the norm, but for the time being it still seems like Google, Apple, and the "techschnoid" crowd are the only ones who get excited. Could it be that the reality of self-driving cars is that people aren't interested??

I think the majority of interest is from senior citizens that realize that the day will come when they will no longer be competent to operate a vehicle.

I am not there, by a long shot......I but I am close enough to see it from here, and it could be the difference between independence and dependence.
Originally Posted By: Kuato
You really should give credit to XKCD for using their material.

I'm surprised that the link they provided did not include attribution. I didn't notice until too late to edit.

Maybe a moderator could add XKCD to the end of the title.

I've followed people that drove about as well as that big rock.
That scenario in the cartoon would actually work if gas stations had robotic gas pumps.
That's coming, too.
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They're coming, a lot of us should see them in our lifetime. I think I am over the fun of driving, I would love to hop in a little self driving pod that I can just tell to take me there and it does it's thing while I continue to work and be productive while traveling.

Imagine a world with intelligent roadways that communicate with the vehicles allowing us to get places faster with higher speed limits and intelligence that reduces traffic and eliminates accidents.

The bad part is we'd also have a lot of people that drive for a living out of work!
Originally Posted By: dishdude
The bad part is we'd also have a lot of people that drive for a living out of work!

That's the price of progress. They use to have brakemen on every railroad car, new technology made their jobs obsolete.
Originally Posted By: Wolf359
Originally Posted By: Vuflanovsky
Independent of any safety or 'need for infrastructure' issues, I'm not in the least bit interested in autonomous vehicles. A recent poll I read had the interest level in the 40% range...and if you separate the technology from the actuality, then I would guess it would be even lower.

I drive in a congested commute but would still prefer driving myself to a "commuter pod" that takes me there. I can potentially see a huge generational rift if these vehicles ever became the norm, but for the time being it still seems like Google, Apple, and the "techschnoid" crowd are the only ones who get excited. Could it be that the reality of self-driving cars is that people aren't interested??

Some of the new cars have enough tech to be self driving, it's just that the self driving stuff deactivates if you take your hands off the steering wheel. Basically they have adaptive cruise control, lane tracking, blind spot assist, collision avoidance and a host of other features.

Adaptive cruise control has been around for a while, but it seems as if it's trickling down to several other manufacturers. Car sales are up, people don't seem to be just happy with just leather and a sunroof, they're now in the mode of the phone, get a new model every few years because more new features come out every year. They have perfume scents in the C class now.

It's only mercedes, no other brand has been shown to be able to drive itself.
Originally Posted By: raytseng
Even if the "techsnoid" crowd as you call it is the only ones interested, that's a big enough market to sustain development.

In this day and age, a thing doesn't need to appeal to every last person on the planet.

I like to think that I have a pulse on the "techschnoid" crowd in that I worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years for a software company and a reseller. IMO, we'll probably reach this point some day in the not too distant future...but my point was that polls indicate that people aren't interested for the most part. That's something that R&D and marketing budgets need to be cognizant of...if the only people truly interested are Wozniak, Zuck, his preggie wife and people who make 200K/ yr. plus. What would these things cost?? I doubt I'd ever spend 40-50K on one unless it was mandated or there was a great incentive. If it'll take Tesla years to get a sub-40K electric car then I can imagine the pass-through costs associated with something like this thing would potentially make them less appealing for the forseeable future and beyond. Time will tell.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear
Then I also would love to get 2 extra hours of sleep during commute one day.

Good heavens, you spend two hours a day driving ?
Originally Posted By: edhackett
Originally Posted By: Kuato
You really should give credit to XKCD for using their material.

I'm surprised that the link they provided did not include attribution. I didn't notice until too late to edit.

Maybe a moderator could add XKCD to the end of the title.


I guess by talking about it, we're giving them de facto credit LOL. Plus, they're pretty generous with their permissions.
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