Motorola Barrage (Verizon) phone swap.

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Dec 8, 2006
Dad has a Motorola Barrage (a rugged flip phone / Verizon) as his work phone. He likes it, he knows how to use it, and that's all that matters. He's 77 and he's starting to get a little resistant to change.

However, it is on its last legs.. the battery is junk and the speaker in the earpiece is failing. He doesn't want to tell his employer that, as he knows that they'll want to "upgrade" him to a smart phone. He doesn't want any part of that. He wants to keep the Barrage.

I'm not familiar with this Barrage model, and have never used it.

Is it possible for me to buy a used/refurb'd one, and swap service for him? Can this be accomplished by removing a card from his existing phone, and then install it in the replacement phone... or will he need to have a Verizon dealer move his service from phone to phone?
A quick check on EBay shows new Motorola Barrage Flip Phones are for sale along with new batteries, etc.

Best bet would be a visit to a Verizon store and find out some information. I assume they would need to move the old number over to the new phone.

Verizon does show that they still offer flip phones too from looking at their web site but not the Motorola Barrage.

If you buy one over the Internet find out if they can activate it for you.

I am in my mid 70s and still have a flip phone as I really don't use a cell phone much and being retired for several years enjoy not being tethered to anything. Phone is used only for a few calls + emergency.
But if it's on the employer's account they probably won't let him do it. Also if it is a large employer, they probably go through a third party to purchase phones and service.
If the purchased new phone is UNLOCKED all you need to do is put his SIM card in it and turn it on. It will work fine
Originally Posted By: Kawiguy454
If the purchased new phone is UNLOCKED all you need to do is put his SIM card in it and turn it on. It will work fine

The Motorola Barrage V860 doesn't have a sim card.
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Originally Posted By: Curtis Newton
Originally Posted By: Kawiguy454
If the purchased new phone is UNLOCKED all you need to do is put his SIM card in it and turn it on. It will work fine

The Motorola Barrage V860 doesn't have a sim card.

Verizon in general does not use SIM cards (GSM), as they are CDMA, for now at least.
Option 1: Find someone who does cell phone repair and buy a new battery.

Option 2: You should be able to buy a new Verizon flip phone eg LG Revere 3. It's at Best Buy for $50. Just ask them or a Verizon shop if they can swap it without involving the company.

Option 3: His company would just work through Verizon and may have no problem getting him a new flip phone. It's going to be cheaper than a smartphone.
Originally Posted By: dailydriver
Verizon in general does not use SIM cards (GSM), as they are CDMA, for now at least.

True for a 3G phone like the V860.

However, all Verizon LTE phones have a SIM card and they started rolling this out with the iPhone4s, Galaxy S3, etc.
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Originally Posted By: dishdude
But if it's on the employer's account they probably won't let him do it. Also if it is a large employer, they probably go through a third party to purchase phones and service.

This, being a business account may be a problem.
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