Honda Jet Engines?

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Originally Posted By: BRZED
Originally Posted By: Clevy
Considering this is a decade old thread someone resurrected I wonder if there's any info on how Honda made out.

Everyone's a comedian.

Just because I wondered how they made out doesn't actually mean I cared enough to check it out.
But since you've gone to the effort with that link I might as well satisfy my curiosity.

Thank you,I think
Since you take the time asking a question you don't really care to have answered I wonder what's wrong with you.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: Shannow

Centrifugal final compression stage drew my attention, and knew there must have been something on it before on BITOG.

yes, old thread...reason that I posted was that it got approval to fly in that link that I posted in December 2013

I appreciate it being resurrected, I like reading that it is moving forward.
The following is irrelevant in regard to GE/Honda co-developed jet engines, but out of curiosity I looked up what engines the Antonov Cossack, the world's largest cargo plane, has and how they compare to the GE90 jet engine. Surprisingly, the GE90, in its most powerful variant, puts at 513 kN out more than twice the thrust compared to the ZMKB's 229.5 kN. Of course, the Cossack has six engines, and the GE90 is used so far only in tandem.
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