WC Ultima Lube II-Chlorinated?

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Oct 16, 2009
Portland, TN
Does anyone know for sure if the Wilson Combat Ultima Lube II lubricants contain any chlorinated esters, faraffins, hydcrocarbons, etc? I know the original Ultima lubes did, so I'm curious if the newer forumaul does as well. According to a customer service rep at Wilson's, the new formula does not contain any chlorine, but he seemed like he didn't know much about it and was guessing. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
The reason I ask is I have extensively tested about 15 of the most popular gun lubes on the market. Don't know if any of the lubes have chlorine in them and don't care. Lubes that work, work, and those that don't, don't.

Why are we worried about chlorine? Lots of cleaners have chlorine and leave residual when used and they don't damage guns at all.

Is it the Chlorine / Phosgene gas byproduct of combustion?
I'm more concerned about the long term effects on the gun since chlorine is corrosive. For example, I've seen multiple posts on other forums with corrosion issues with the use of Militec-1, which contains chlorine. I may just end up sticking with SLIP 2000 EWL, which has worked very well for me over the years.
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