I went to the doctor

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Feb 27, 2009
down in the park
I went to the doctor with a strange complaint.

"Well it's like this Doc, when I drive to work in the morning through the country lanes I start to sing 'The green green grass of home'. If I see a cat then it's 'What's new, [censored] cat?'. It's so embarassing, even when I'm asleep and dreaming, I still keep singing. Last night, it was 'Delilah', and my wife was not amused!"

"Yes, it would apear that you have the early symptoms of Tom Jones syndrome."

"Well I've never heard of that, is it common?" I asked.

"It's not unusual," replied the doctor.
Originally Posted By: CourierDriver
I like these kind of jokes, I can catch on to them in my old age...very good one.

Yeah, the youngsters just won't get the pop culture reference.
To quote Tom Jones: "Women are still throwing their undies at me in concert. But now the panties are quite a bit larger than they used to be."
I'll bet there's a correlation between Tom Jones fans and hip replacements. Those hip moves defy the laws of physics.
Wow I got it ...... I must be getting up there is age. I remember seeing him on TV in the late 60-70s. I liked Carltons impressions of him on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Me and my daughter used to watch it.
Originally Posted By: oilboy123
Wow I got it ...... I must be getting up there is age. I remember seeing him on TV in the late 60-70s. I liked Carltons impressions of him on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Me and my daughter used to watch it.

I got it, and I'm only 35. Of course I was the surprise baby when my folks were my age. My siblings are 8,& 12 years older than I, so I did get more exposure to certain things than my contemporaries.
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