garage sales& flea markets

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Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
Hello again folks and I will be going to a flea market and 2 yard sales and 1 garage sales. Do any of you folks go to garage sales or rummage sales and such when you have time?
Sure do! I go whenever I can. I used to go every week but I'd always be so tempted to buy/hoard so much... So now I just go to garage sales instead of flea markets.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Never, its a waste of time for me.

agree, i never have time for garage sales. If i did go it would be to find fishing gear, but who am i kidding i never have time to fish either!
Nope. Complete waste and aggravating.

Same old got the "pro" pickers that get anything good before you show up....and the greedy sellers that think what they have is worth a lot.

Besides...haggling and just generally dealing with local folks is not fun for me.
I try to go every Sat.
I have alot of things that others didn't want anymore.
Created most of the toolbox in my truck this way.
I do go on occasion but I dont really ever get anything unless I'm going there to look for something.

Everything is normally over priced or its just junk. I'll go every other week or so to get some cotton candy for my wife she likes the fresh stuff.

I did buy 2 peach trees a few weeks back, we have always had a good bit of fruit trees which is nice to have but Katrina took down one of my Satsuma trees and both Pear trees. Which is disappointing.

Only thing we got left fruiting now is a Blueberry bush.

All the non stop rain tho might very well kill both the peach trees which is disappointing. Iv always liked having fresh fruit.

Not that its hard either once they are a year or so old all you need to do is fertilize them twice a year then you have more fruit then you can eat.
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I'm a minimalist. I find that accumulating things tends to make people want to accumulate even more things. I do not want leave a warehouse full of hoarded "treasures" behind some day. An exception is if I am looking for something specific.
At a garage sale I purchased a Sansa mp3 player with data/charging cable and Bose headphones for $10.00. The kid there said it was junk because it only held 4gb of music and that he'd never heard of Bose quiet comfort headphones. He showed me his Sennheiser 800 headphones and said they were the least he would accept in quality. I guess I'm too stupid to know any better because this setup he dumped sounds amazing.
If I happen to be driving by and I have extra time I might. But I don't make it a point to go to either flea markets or garage sales.

I do go to a few farm and estate auctions. There is a list of items to be auctioned published before the auction, and I go when there is something that I need/want being auctioned. I try to time it so that the auction is being held at a bad time-for instance a rural estate auction or farm auction that's held during spring planting or fall harvest.

Most of my tools are from auctions, and I've picked up a number of other items that I've needed or wanted at a very cheap price.
Good way to replace those missing or worn out tools. Great way to collect stories from ol' timers.
I have found plenty of great stuff at yard sales but don't make an effort to track them down. If I know that I need something, I might impulse stop to see what is available. From toys, to tools, to auto parts, to gifts...

Also find a lot of good stuff that simple makes it from the yard sale to the local Salvation Army or Goodwill via my cars trunk.
Flea Markets, not so much as I'm pretty burned out on them, My wife had a spot at Shipshewana, Ind for 20 years till we retired.

Garage/Yard sales, most certainly, Last year got a like new Docker Sheepskin dress jacket for $3.00, I collect medium to hi end watches, you never know??, Case & English pocket & hunting knives ??, double edge razor's??

But then being retired is a plus.
Originally Posted By: Donald
There is a Japanese lady that writes articles and maybe books about organizing your closet. Basically only keep things that bring you joy.

Probably a good way to view what is in your garage and workshop.

I have a whole lot of "JOY".
Originally Posted By: BRZED
I'm a minimalist. I find that accumulating things tends to make people want to accumulate even more things. I do not want leave a warehouse full of hoarded "treasures" behind some day. An exception is if I am looking for something specific.

+ 100000000

Nothing makes me sad than seeing a person collecting stuff only to collect dust, mold, spider webs, silverfish, etc.... and that [censored] taking up space in their home.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Originally Posted By: BRZED
I'm a minimalist. I find that accumulating things tends to make people want to accumulate even more things. I do not want leave a warehouse full of hoarded "treasures" behind some day. An exception is if I am looking for something specific.

+ 100000000

Nothing makes me sad than seeing a person collecting stuff only to collect dust, mold, spider webs, silverfish, etc.... and that [censored] taking up space in their home.

Why should that bother you? It's their house, their stuff, and their money. No skin off your nose.
Originally Posted By: Eddie
I only go to Estate sales. Most garage sales are a waste of my time.

Garage sales around here tend to be a waste...would like to try some estate sales tough.
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