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Feb 24, 2005
Southeast Louisiana
about people. Specifically the low life's who cause damage to other peoples property and simply walk away or steal or tamper with others property without permission.

A little bit about where I am coming from:
Almost a month ago, my wife's car was backed into.....in our driveway. Now this is the 3rd time our vehicles are hit in our driveway in the middle of the night with no knock or note, I have a good suspicion that its someone visiting the neighbors across the street backing straight into our driveway instead of backing and turning into the street.

This time it wasn't just a scratch and small dent like before. The trunk lid was crushed in and bumper was cracked, so I had to put it in the shop and pay an insurance deductible. Talking to the neighbors yielded nothing as expected.

I had considered installing security cameras the last time one of our vehicles were hit in the same fashion but ultimately decided against it. This time I did buy some and installed them. They work great.

A few nights after getting my wife's car out of the shop, our neighborhood suffered a random theft ring where unlocked cars were targeted and credit cards and IDs were stolen, no cash was taken though 2 vehicles that the keys were present in were stolen. This is the night where my wife didn't lock her car. Nothing was taken as she doesn't leave anything valuable in the car, its just the idea of it. We was able to watch the thief pull the door handles on my truck then move on to her car to find that it was unlocked. The police have the video as well as 8 fingerprints from her car. I don't know whether they were ever caught or not.

So all that went on, and a couple weeks have passed. I finally built a shed to keep lawn equipment which was previously living outside as well as a bunch of other tools and stuff that was in the house. Everything normalized so to speak.

Then yesterday something happened that makes me go about plumb crazy thinking about it and everything else that has happened in the past month. I was at a gas station fueling my truck up. A truck pulled in directly in front of me and parked in front of the store. While the guy was in the store, another vehicle pulled alongside him boxing him in the middle with me behind him. When he came out he attempted to back out and had to do a series of back and fourths to wiggle out. Upon him backing out the last time before he was able to drive off, he bumped my truck. I was standing right there finishing up with the gas pump and he hit my truck, looked at me and then sped away. I yelled at him to no avail. I doubt he cared, he knew he hit my truck and even stopped to look at me before speeding off. Thankfully I had no damage, but it ticked me off something awful.

Im not upset at the fact that my truck was hit or my wife's car was hit, I understand stuff like that happens. What irritates me is the lack of consideration or care from the offending party. I realized (I always knew in the back of my mind) yesterday that people simply have no respect for their fellow humans or their property. I have lost faith in man kind, and do not believe there is any good left in anyone anymore. I hate it, but the events of the past month have proven that to me loud and clear.

Thanks for letting me rant.....heres to a better next month I guess.
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Stuff like this is a byproduct of the fact that we no longer live in small towns or neighborhoods. Anonymity has a large price, in personal responsibility not taken.
Yup, people suck now. One of the porters at my work parked his car illegally on the street in front of the counter guy that works next to me who was parked legally. When the porter was told to move his car, instead of just pulling forward and out, he backed into the counter guys car a couple times and then left. We literally all watched him do it, and he denied it.
Sorry to hear abut your bad luck, I know just how it feels for some careless idiot to knowingly walk away from the damage they caused - some people are just that low.
I've considered buying a really cheap nasty car just to run around in because I don't really like taking the Scirocco places if I'm not sure about parking/cameras/the area etc, and it would be nice to be able to park anywhere and not care
I also considered bull bars front and rear,and maybe some box section welded to the sills with big spikes sticking out of the box section, that would be enough to motivate most to be careful and the few who weren't careful would get their cars horribly smashed in and my armoured beater wouldn't get marked
I hear ya, people are all about "me me me" and act like they are the most important person in the whole world, nobody else matters, and have zero responsibility.

Kids are a bit scary. Remember the news story about kids throwing rocks off a highway overpass in PA a year ago or so? Ohio lady had one go through her windshield and hit her in the face. Nearly killed her and she was in a coma. Ended up losing an eye. Kids' reaction was more like "So what?".
Due to full prisons, felons are being released early to do what they do. Steal..........
I work for an insurance company taking claims, and I hear stories like this every day. I've had it happen to myself many times, never with a note or acknowledgment. I have come to the conclusion that decent people left in this world are in the minority.
In December I was sitting in my car in a parking lot when someone pulled in and swung their door into mine. It wasn't a huge debt but there's definitely a dent and scratch there. The guy just said "sorry" and continued getting things out of his car. He was shocked when I asked for his insurance information. There's no way he would have left a note and I wouldn't have noticed it until the next day (was on passenger side). I can't imagine not leaving a note on someone's car if I bumped it, but I always take care when opening my door and never bump someone else's door. My car has 6 dings from other drivers and only 1 was ever caught (the one I was in the car). I'm not mad that they hit my car, accidents happen. I'm mad that people don't take accountability. People suck.
All these things you described in your post are NORMAL in every day American life now.

It's who we are as a society.

The flag wavers and "crime is lower than ever before" bellowers will disagree however.
People have no respect for anything that isn't their iDevice.


Originally Posted By: Nick1994
In December I was sitting in my car in a parking lot when someone pulled in and swung their door into mine. It wasn't a huge debt but there's definitely a dent and scratch there. The guy just said "sorry" and continued getting things out of his car. He was shocked when I asked for his insurance information. There's no way he would have left a note and I wouldn't have noticed it until the next day (was on passenger side). I can't imagine not leaving a note on someone's car if I bumped it, but I always take care when opening my door and never bump someone else's door. My car has 6 dings from other drivers and only 1 was ever caught (the one I was in the car). I'm not mad that they hit my car, accidents happen. I'm mad that people don't take accountability. People suck.

I think I have posted this before but a few years ago I was sitting in a parking lot in my dad's F350. A lady pulled up next to it (like 3 inches from the passenger side) and tried to get out of her Ranger. She bumped the door into the F350. Then she tried again, harder.

I eventually got out and told her she wasn't going to move the 7500 pound truck with her door and that she would need to move should she want to get out of her truck.
Originally Posted By: Miller88
People have no respect for anything that isn't their iDevice.


Originally Posted By: Nick1994
In December I was sitting in my car in a parking lot when someone pulled in and swung their door into mine. It wasn't a huge debt but there's definitely a dent and scratch there. The guy just said "sorry" and continued getting things out of his car. He was shocked when I asked for his insurance information. There's no way he would have left a note and I wouldn't have noticed it until the next day (was on passenger side). I can't imagine not leaving a note on someone's car if I bumped it, but I always take care when opening my door and never bump someone else's door. My car has 6 dings from other drivers and only 1 was ever caught (the one I was in the car). I'm not mad that they hit my car, accidents happen. I'm mad that people don't take accountability. People suck.

I think I have posted this before but a few years ago I was sitting in a parking lot in my dad's F350. A lady pulled up next to it (like 3 inches from the passenger side) and tried to get out of her Ranger. She bumped the door into the F350. Then she tried again, harder.

I eventually got out and told her she wasn't going to move the 7500 pound truck with her door and that she would need to move should she want to get out of her truck.
I just can't believe people can't leave a note with their insurance info. I mean it's not like they caused $10,000 in damage, their insurance rates will go up maybe $10 a month. Big deal.

What was even worse was the guy who hit my doors insurance, he had some ghetto cheapo insurance and they sent a check for $22 because they didn't want to pay for an adjuster to look at my car. It took lots of fighting and a quote from a body shop but they ended up paying a total of $303 of the $404 in damage. And I took it to a cheap local body shop!
Most people are good and considerate. And if you don't live in a getto neighborhood, the riff-raff is probably less than 10% but with so many people the number of that 10% is increasing.

Just a fact of life.
Originally Posted By: Al
Most people are good and considerate. And if you don't live in a getto neighborhood, the riff-raff is probably less than 10% but with so many people the number of that 10% is increasing.

Just a fact of life.

Seems that I have been running into every one of those 10 percenters recently.
That's partially why I put in a dash cam in the car, plus I put on a trailer hitch partially to prevent excessive damage when cars parallel park into me. I should look into a wifi cam for the garage...
One of those 10 percenters ran into me this weekend. Tapped the bumper on my wifes car just enough to crack it. She then stuck her head out the window proclaimed that there was no damage(in ghetto slang of course) and procceded to speed away. I had to give chase to get her to stop. Unbelievable. I wish I would have been in my truck, steel bumpers and a large frame mounted hitch. Thankfully I wasn't on my bike.
Here's my rant. We have a State's Attorney that refuses to be tough with violent criminals, but then she prosecutes mentally-ill shoplifters as felons.

As a result, if someone wants to shoot someone else... they'll simply do it, because they know that there is little consequence in this county for doing so. No surprise that gun crime is way up in this area.
Originally Posted By: 97f150
Originally Posted By: Al
Most people are good and considerate. And if you don't live in a getto neighborhood, the riff-raff is probably less than 10% but with so many people the number of that 10% is increasing.

Just a fact of life.

Seems that I have been running into every one of those 10 percenters recently.

My life in a nutshell.
Originally Posted By: 29662
One of those 10 percenters ran into me this weekend. Tapped the bumper on my wifes car just enough to crack it. She then stuck her head out the window proclaimed that there was no damage(in ghetto slang of course) and procceded to speed away. I had to give chase to get her to stop. Unbelievable. I wish I would have been in my truck, steel bumpers and a large frame mounted hitch. Thankfully I wasn't on my bike.

I have 3/16'' steel front bumper on the Jeep. The last person who hit that in a parking lot (texting and driving) paid a LOT of money to put her car back together. The Jeep? Just had some mud knocked off the bumper.
Originally Posted By: 97f150
...Im not upset at the fact that my truck was hit or my wife's car was hit, I understand stuff like that happens. What irritates me is the lack of consideration or care from the offending party. I realized (I always knew in the back of my mind) yesterday that people simply have no respect for their fellow humans or their property. I have lost faith in man kind, and do not believe there is any good left in anyone anymore. I hate it, but the events of the past month have proven that to me loud and clear.

I couldn't agree more. In my opinion, most people have no courtesy, (limited to no) honesty, integrity or sense of personal responsibility. Society is WAY too narcissistic for me, but what should I expect when I see that every child at the birthday party gets presents, even though it's not their birthday (after all, we don't want to hurt someone's feelings, right) and every kid gets a trophy at the soccer game even though they didn't win...etc., etc., etc.

Originally Posted By: mrsilv04
Here's my rant. We have a State's Attorney that refuses to be tough with violent criminals, but then she prosecutes mentally-ill shoplifters as felons.

As a result, if someone wants to shoot someone else... they'll simply do it, because they know that there is little consequence in this county for doing so. No surprise that gun crime is way up in this area.

Time to move.
Just think of the future Illinois after the honest taxpayers are gone.
I hope to just read about it from afar.
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