My-my how does this happen

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Dec 27, 2009
A modern day event, breaking out of stupidity and into the light and dealing with it.

A record number of immigrants were deported from Norway in October, according government figures. A total of 824 people were deported by the National Police Immigration Service Norway (Politiets Utlendingsenhet) last month, surpassing the previous record of the 763 people deported in September. The reason for the higher numbers has been put down to, in part, more staff, more resources and new “portfolio priorities”. Furthermore, it is now easier for authorities in the Scandinavian country to deport immigrants back to countries such as Nigeria and Afghanistan.PU chief Kristin Kvigne explained that the numbers recorded in October would help them reach their target for 2014. The country’s government had set a goal of deporting 7,100 people this year and, by the end of October, some 5,876 people had been ordered to leave.

Some of those who have been deported this year were asylum seekers whose asylum applications had been rejected and have now left the country with their families. {However, the majority of those who have been thrown out had either committed crimes or returned to Norway illegally after being deported.}

Kvigne also pointed out that it was important to consider the falling crime rates in the country when taking the deportation figures into account.
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