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Feb 11, 2014
Upper Midwest by the Lakes USA
What's with all the YOGA junk lately? Another fad?

Yoga classes, Yoga PANTS... I mean really, does ANYONE female between the ages of 18-50 wear REAL PANTS outside of work? Do they even CARE what the public SEES?

Yoga mats, yoga magazines. Yet nobody really spends much time doing YOGA.

Rummage sales full of YOGA junk in a few years... hmmm ... maybe I can use them as mats [color:#FF0000][/color]for crawling under the car.

Here's a quote from a local website....
Quote from Dave: “The combination of challenge and compassion I find in yoga has always enthralled me. Yoga makes us physically stronger but at the same time develops mental control to calm us in turbulent times. I combine a unique blend of Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Flow Yoga, Philosophy and Fun!

Is that even real? What is that... air?
Originally Posted By: nthach
Hey don't knock the yoga, it actually does wonders for the body and dexterity is a good thing.

California! LOL

Try walking on ice at -5F to your car. THAT will do wonders for your spacial-body -awareness ... FOR FREE.

And try stopping a car on a snowy interstate with trucks blasting past... THAT will do wonders for your bowel health.

We've got women in their 50's up here eating 1,000 grams of sugar a day in fruit smoothies doing YOGA and drinking wine like its water and they think YOGA is the way to be healthy.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
I like women in yoga pants.

Me too. and so does the fastest women on a motorcycle but you got to have the build which Miss Thompson has.

Downward dog...

Seriously though, its a good workout, helps your increase your strength and flexibility, helps you mentally relax, and sometimes the scenery is pretty good too. Nothing but positives in my book. I need to go more often.
Originally Posted By: SumpChump
What's with all the YOGA junk lately? Another fad?

Yoga classes, Yoga PANTS... I mean really, does ANYONE female between the ages of 18-50 wear REAL PANTS outside of work? Do they even CARE what the public SEES?

Have you tried asking people who wear them?
Originally Posted By: eljefino
I like women in yoga pants.

If there is a weight limit involved. Some of the ones you see around here are as wide as they are tall.
Hello, I should wait to respond to this thread because I get to "track" the linguistic cues of those who don't know what they're talking about.
You can bluster over oil and filters but don't disparage my workout.

Let me tell you about yoga. Don't worry. I'll be brief.

Plain and simple; yoga is a workout. It's a little challenging to keep in shape but ANY exercise is worth it.

There are well established workout routines where every joint, every mussel, your balance and stamina is strengthened and improved. It all happens without impact and requires a MINIMUM of gear.

I started at a nationwide hot yoga studio where all exercises are carried out at 105 degrees F. You sweat all manner of bad stuff out.
After the workout (I simply refuse to call it a class) I feel so clean and warm.

Then something interesting happened. Many of the studios went independent.
This resulted in many of the studios offering a variety of classes.
It was astounding to feel the huge improvement from doing a variety of extreme exercises.

If you bicycle, play basketball, swim, play squash, jog etc. keep it up.
I'd respectfully suggest adding yoga to your regimen.

If you do not exercise at all, a yoga schedule will improve your life and you'll feel better every day, I promise.

If you do not exercise at all and elect to say childish, "Archie Bunker" things about yoga I suggest you shut your mouth and cease making dopey posts about it.
Just sit there, drink, smoke and beat your wife like a "Real American".
Got tattoos?

I'm so thrilled slugs and slobs are in insurance pools with me and my family.

ps If you like seeing chickadees in yoga pants, you should see us at 105 degrees F. We wear less!
Also, I admire any yogi or yogini who is physically unattractive trying to get it in to shape.

There was a picture posted here of a fat girl who was a cheerleader in some high school.
Some poked fun at her (bad form, fellas) others commended her for getting out there. Kira
Originally Posted By: Kira
ps If you like seeing chickadees in yoga pants, you should see us at 105℉ Kira

Ooooh my!! Not sure what that is,but it sounds good
To aquariuscsm: Yeah, I had to spell out "105 degrees F". The processor this site uses doesn't interpret the characters in mine.

Honestly guys, girls show up in swim suits for their introductory classes.
Many studios offer cheap initial weeks or a bargain priced month.
Within a couple of days most girls decide they like it and go buy something more supportive.

I can't stress enough how effective and beneficial yoga training is.
I actually have a pretty good bod. Kira
I like to look at attractive women...I'm a man....I get it.

But the yoga pants thing has run it's course. Frankly, I'm tired of seeing a woman's every cleft and dimple. Especially the nasty, out of condition ones or the over 50 women.

Boots w/yoga pants....80% of the females dress like this now. No effort in that. They are the sweatpants of our time. Lazy if you ask me.

Also....what is with you fathers out there that let your daughters (12-17) go out of the house dressed like a hooker? I've seen 13 year old girls showing everything underneath from wearing these super thin yoga pants. Do you really want men gawking at your daughters private parts?? Strange to say the least....and sad.

As for Yoga itself? Just another fad. It was once popular decades ago...and it's now back in style (as long as it makes money and is popular in Hollywood).
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