Pope Driving a Limo.....

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May 25, 2005
Western NC Mountains
The Pope flew into NYC to address the UN. His limo driver takes off and the Pope needs him to go faster in order to make it to the meeting on time. The Pope is not happy with the limo driver and tells him to pull over so the Pope can drive. They take off again with the Pope behind the wheel and the limo is stopped by the Police for speeding. The cop takes one look at the situation and radios to headquarters. He tells the Chief he's got a pretty important person on his hands. The chief asks, "Is he more important than the mayor?" Cop says yes. Chief asks, “Is he more important than the governor?" Cop says yes. Chief asks, "Is he more important than the President?" Cop says yes. Chief asks "How important can he be?” Cop says, "I don't know, but he's got the Pope for a driver
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