Does coolant go bad in 2 years without driving?

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Oct 6, 2014
I inherited several vehicles in various states of disrepair - the coolant in every single one of them varies from probably at least 5 to as much as 13 years old by now. (the last being a 'grandpas favorite' spending all its time in storage, taken out once per month to church type of thing, as he went senile and I don't think did any time-based maintenance - still an oil change sticker from i think 2005 on it and it hasn't had 2000 miles since then)

There were also multiple unopened bottles of coolant and a few opened. (nothing mixed though, all straight)

Is it necessary to drain and flush everything and toss out all old coolant, or could very low mileage make it literally okay until some miles have been put on?

Since i'm already conveniently here what about 10 year old cases of dinosaur oil?
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I would change it personally, depending on how many vehicles you are talking about.

The condition of the coolant reservoir will give you an indication of urgency, along with a basic coolant tester. If it looks funky at all, change it. If it looks clean and transparent, test it, and if it tests okay, keep running it. Keep an eye on it regardless though.

As for the old cases of oil, I would probably relegate decade old conventional oil to lawnmowers and the like, or maybe beater cars. Or maybe let it continue to age and one day we will marvel over pictures of the vintage oil bottles.
The first thing I'd pay attention to on these classics are the brakes and brake fluid. Just sitting there, temperature swings are going to get condensation in the master cylinder.

If the jugs you have are old school green silicated they'd make a good interim flush/ rad drain & fill for the cars that take it. I'd look to clear it out again promptly at 2 years.

The old oil will be fine.
If the coolant has not gel'd up, I would drain and fill once a year with the stash of coolant u already have. Also, the old oil u can perhaps do very short OCI w them.
I'd check them all with an antifreeze tester and leave those that show good alone. Old stuff will be a hazmat.

I'd use the old oil and enjoy the old rigs.
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