most techs don't get a 2 week notice

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Mar 15, 2013
I have a new job. I took the drug test today and pending that and doing paper work tomorrow I'm all set. I've been told a lot of employers don't give mechanics there 2 week notice and get rid of them immediately. Knowing this and my boss didn't give the old cleaner we had his 2 weeks should I not tell him till last minute or should I give the 2 weeks anyway. I can't afford to be out of work long so I do not want to miss a pay check because of him not giving me 2 weeks.
They wouldn't want to give someone 2 weeks to sabotage a whole fleet of cars in retaliation for being canned.
Pending the drug test?
Are you assuming failure.

As far as notice goes if I'm firing someone they are fired how. Good bye.
I refuse to let an employee who knows they are finished any opportunity to steal or because they are being let go anyway you can be sure they will be lazy and potentially poison to the crew.
Now I've had many men shop for greener pastures and when they find a higher paying job they give me 2 weeks notice,which I think shows a measure of respect so in turn I give them that same respect and let them know my door is open if they are out of work and need a job.
The guys who just up and quit without notice burn a bridge.
I've got a revolving door of manpower. My turnover rate can be as high as 10 men a week. But my core guys are always there,so labour that can follow direction is all I need b
Saskatoon is a city now but will always be a small town. Everyone knows everyone here. So burning a bridge never ends well because we in the business all know each other,and a referral goes a very long way.

So ram man no you don't have to give notice if your leaving but is that the kind of reputation you want to have,and are you sure that at some time in the future you won't need them again for work.
When an employer considers your future they look at your past. What do you want them to find when they look.
It someone is firing you and not giving notice it's for a reason. Absenteeism,poor work ethic,dereliction of duty and so on.
If you are being let go due to lack of work that's different. It's called being laid off.
Its generally always best to give a two week notice. Back when my second son was born I had to pick up a second job. Ultimately the 2nd job gave better hours and better pay.

Job one refused to work with me on hours so I gave them a two week notice. The ended up sending me home that day. I don't regret it but its considered the right thing to do regardless.

Just type out a letter. Tell them you regret having to resign from your position state why you have to and turn it in.

In a few cases the higher ups will respect this and be more incline to work with you on problems you are having.
I've gave 2 weeks notice each time I left a dealership. I also stayed working for those 2 weeks. My last service manager is at another dealer now but I have no doubt I would be hired by him there if I needed work. If your relationship with your immediate manager is good give him 2 weeks. DO NOT give your notice to the owner or you will be shown the door immediately! If your relationship is not so good with your manager at least leave 1 weeks notice. That's my opinion, of course my opinion along with 99 cents will get me a fountain soda at the gas station. So take it for what it's worth lol
The two week notice is one way.

Employers tell you on Friday you are gone that day. Clean out the desk and don't log on the computer.

Talk to your current employer and let him know your plans.

He may work with you on an earlier date.

Otherwise, plan on the two week notice. Your new employer will understand.
Give two weeks notice but expect to pack up and leave the same day. If you're on generally good terms and leaving for a better-paying job, they should understand. I've generally given at least two weeks notice, and it's worked out well for everybody.
2 weeks notice is old school, the world is very mobile nowadays and your new company may not want to wait . Basically come and go when ready is the script that I see nowadays. Nobody does the two weeks thing anymore.

2 or 3 days at the most, that will give them time for an exit interview if you do that.
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Originally Posted By: Donald
Two weeks. Its not about your boss, its about your integrity.

Mortgage companies do not accept integrity they only take cash, check or credit. The OP said he can't afford to be out of work for 2 weeks.
Originally Posted By: Mackelroy
2 weeks notice is old school, the world is very mobile nowadays and your new company may not want to wait . Basically come and go when ready is the script that I see nowadays. Nobody does the two weeks thing anymore.

2 or 3 days at the most, that will give them time for an exit interview if you do that.

This is pretty accurate.

However I give notice based on how I was treated on the job.
This is NOT a one way street.

If you had a good relationship with your employer I would definitely try and give a full two weeks. You never know if you might need to return to that shop in the future, and if you show them the consideration they deserve for being respectful employers you will likely get that opportunity in the future.

However if you had a marginal relationship I would only give one week notice and NO more, again it is all about reciprocating

If you had a terrible relationship and were abused on the job
do NOT give them ANY notice at all. Walk in and tell them
good riddance the same day since you are never going back there ever again, and why not teach them a lesson they deserve to experience...if you are not the source of the problem.
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