Sun facts

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Dec 5, 2003
Arlington, Washington
I did not do well in school. I'm trying to catch up in my later years. I just watched a documentary about the sun. Did not know about a million earths could fit inside. It also said if a solar flare knocked out our infrastructure, it could take 10 years to get us out of the stone age. Boy would that be a shock to people, especially the younger generation raised on the internet.
A million earths? not say a million and one or two..
Im not sure anyone ever made it to the moon the first time but im not losing sleep over it either..
The History Channel, NATGEO, Nova, and the Weather Channel are all trying to increase viewership with their ridiculous natural Catastrophe shows.

The Weather Channel even now is getting into the macabre and the paranormal. What a load of...

A huge solar flare has the POTENTIAL to bring down power systems and communications, but it would have to be much larger than anything in recorded history.

My concern is some crazy releasing a potent and indiscriminate virus, or a crazy firing an EMP warhead.
Like I said the other day..."MAY" the mainstay of sensationalist journalism.

They never say "may not be a problem".
Originally Posted By: MolaKule
The History Channel, NATGEO, Nova, and the Weather Channel are all trying to increase viewership with their ridiculous natural Catastrophe shows.

Not to mention some downright fiction.... It doesn't help, either, when they portray Stanton Friedman as a physicist, yet neglect to mention some of the crankiness. You should have seen him speaking to the dodo with the hair from Ancient Aliens. I honestly couldn't tell if Friedman was being serious or just pulling the guy's leg in a very subtle way, but that's another story.
Good to see someone take up an interest in astronomy later in life.


A huge solar flare has the POTENTIAL to bring down power systems and communications, but it would have to be much larger than anything in recorded history.

Communications systems have already been disrupted and damage occurred in the past by solar storms.
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
Good to see someone take up an interest in astronomy later in life.


A huge solar flare has the POTENTIAL to bring down power systems and communications, but it would have to be much larger than anything in recorded history.

Communications systems have already been disrupted and damage occurred in the past by solar storms.

Yes they were. But.....Did it take us ten years to get back up and running? I think not....
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Anything that happens with the sun is inevitable, the kooks cant deal with that little fact so we have concocted possible man made cataclysmic events.
Even its its only one chance in a trillion we have to spend hundreds of billions or even trillions and sacrifice economies trying to reverse or prevent it.

What a crock. costal cities around the globe under water when the ice caps melt, homeless polar bears, it gets cold in the winter and hot in the summer, it isn't raining in the desert for months.
Oh god ban coal yesterday, raise the gas tax, get people driving lawn mowers with seats for cars and ban light bulbs or we are all finished!
I have always been fascinated with astronomy. I have never really been able to grasp the concept of space going on forever. Everything in our world has a boundry of some sort and it is fun to think about space and infinite possibilities of what could be out there.
Originally Posted By: MolaKule
The History Channel, NATGEO, Nova, and the Weather Channel are all trying to increase viewership with their ridiculous natural Catastrophe shows.

The Weather Channel even now is getting into the macabre and the paranormal. What a load of...

A huge solar flare has the POTENTIAL to bring down power systems and communications, but it would have to be much larger than anything in recorded history.

My concern is some crazy releasing a potent and indiscriminate virus, or a crazy firing an EMP warhead.
I stopped watching the History channel when the paranormal, supernatural *$#@ started. The so called ghost chasers are the silliest of the bunch. If you want to see something, turn the lights on dummies. There are no supernatural events, only natural events, some of which we don't fully understand. But we know a great deal about ourselves and the universe we didn't know a century ago.
Originally Posted By: crazyoildude
A million earths? not say a million and one or two..
Im not sure anyone ever made it to the moon the first time but im not losing sleep over it either..
Actually a million and seven would fit. Did the math.
Originally Posted By: MolaKule
The History Channel, NATGEO, Nova, and the Weather Channel are all trying to increase viewership with their ridiculous natural Catastrophe shows.

The Weather Channel even now is getting into the macabre and the paranormal. What a load of...

A huge solar flare has the POTENTIAL to bring down power systems and communications, but it would have to be much larger than anything in recorded history.

My concern is some crazy releasing a potent and indiscriminate virus, or a crazy firing an EMP warhead.
Eboa smells weaponized to me, so you may be correct.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Like I said the other day..."MAY" the mainstay of sensationalist journalism.

They never say "may not be a problem".
I worry about the big one I may have most.
I remember, when I was about 5 years old, looking at the stars with my mother.
She was explaining what they are, and told me space goes on forever.
I remember being troubled by that answer, I'm still troubled by the concept of (non abstract) infinity.
I content myself with the concept that space for us is 'as good' as infinite, the same way that Austrailia is infinitely far away to an Ant in Canada.

In other words, nothing is infinite, and you can never prove it to be.
We just don't know.
Or perhaps it's the existence of matter.
We live in a world of stuff (matter). If we travel to the edge of space beyond where there is no matter, beyond where the light from suns has yet to reach.
how do you measure distance? You could go on forever. But are you moving?

All heady stuff for a Saturday mornning lying in bed half asleep.

Perhaps I'm rambling.
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