What to charge for yard work?

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Apr 15, 2010
My neighbor down the street asked me if I would be interested in doing some yard work and snow clearing for her. She is older, recently divorced, and can't handle it anymore. She has about a 1.5 acre lawn and a 100 ft driveway with a turn around and 20 foot sidewalk.

She had a guy plowing the driveway last winter, but he actually ran into her garage door and ripped up some of the lawn.

She has a small Ariens 22" snowblower she said I could use, but for the bigger storms I will probably need to do the driveway a few times or bring my own snowblower (requiring me to bring the trailer) since hers is so small.

She also wants me to do leaf clean up. She has a John Deere rider with a bagger, but it is currently being fixed, so for at least the next couple mowings I will need to use my own rider. There is also a small garden area with grass around her house that needs to be done with a push mower since a rider won't fit through the gate. I told her at the end of the season I will clean out all the gardens with a leaf blower/vacuum so that one will take a bit longer.

She also has a few bushes that need to be trimmed with a hedge trimmer. That should only take 1-2 hours.

What should I charge for this type of work? I'm used to fixing people's equipment not their lawns haha. I'm used to doing yard work for family but never really charging people.

The yard guys around here aren't anything to go by since they charge cheap prices then never show up again. I want to be fair on price, but my time is also worth something. We live in a decent neighborhood so its not like people can't pay for it, but I don't want to be ripping off old people either.

Thanks for any suggestions.
I do yards on the side every now and then. I charge by the hour, usually $30-40. That ends up being cheaper than many yard crews, because I do a normal-sized yard, even with my walk-behind mowers, in about an hour. That's 50 bucks easy for a yard crew.
Charge way more than your gut tells you, or like all the others you'll be trying to get away. My guess would be that she's asking you because all the good crews are too expensive and all the cheap crews are unreliable... thinking you'll be reliable since you're a neighbor and cheap because your overhead is magically free.
I pay $10-$15/hr CASH for high school or college kids for yard work. I like them as they have lots of energy and want to get it done. My old guy neighbor who has COPD does the screening and lets me know what they are worth.

I would not pay more then $20/hr if were supplying any yard equipment as no offense its not skilled labor.
Originally Posted By: rjundi
I pay $10-$15/hr CASH for high school or college kids for yard work. I like them as they have lots of energy and want to get it done. My old guy neighbor who has COPD does the screening and lets me know what they are worth.

I would not pay more then $20/hr if were supplying any yard equipment as no offense its not skilled labor.

Yeah, but how much would I have to pay YOU to have my driveway shovled? I'm assuming the OP isn't a teenager.

Also, I'm assuming the old lady is asking him because she needs someone who will reliably blow her driveway early in the morning, which isn't easy to find in a teenager. Raking and mulch beds aren't time dependent like snow removal, which is what makes them a good fit for unskilled unreliable labor.
how much is the job worth? depends on your local area, but $20/hr cash no reporting, is a fair price. This is a premium because if you're a crew so you can get 2-3man-hours worth of work done faster and all cleaned up and professional in an hour or so.

B) How much is Your time worth? That's a separate question. Is it higher than (A)?

(C) how much is a friendship relationship worth with this person? Make a discount of this from B up to 100% off or in exchange for baked goods. If she's paying you, is she then treating you like an employee, and then pointing out spots you missed. Or is she grateful for the help even if you half-[censored] it?
Are there no HS/ College kids in the 'hood?

I agree on the $25/hr figure, just say you work from home and have to take time away from that. It's a fine line to look willing and helpful, and to be willing and helpful, without hurting feelings if later a mutual separation is desired.
If you use your own stuff, we she still supply the gas?

$25 per hr seems fair given the situation. She's right down the road and you are both doing the other a favor IMO.

Assuming you need the money, I think you may have found a college kids dream part time job.

*Define old. Middle aged old, retired old etc. Is she retired?
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No bennies for me unless its the cute brunette who lives next door to her haha.

She is retired but will be going to work part-time. I'm a college student who commutes from home and will be graduating this winter. I have a job that I work in between classes during the week, so this would be a weekend job for me.

If I bring my own equipment I would be supplying the gas. Thanks for the help, I believe $25/hr would be fair. I'm not unreliable and just doing the job to get it done, I'm very meticulous and take pride in my work.
If you're in college or even seriously thinking about it then yard work for seniors is perfectly normal and fine... if not expected. Good luck. And that brunette will notice you, pay attention if you seem to bump into her a lot when you're over there.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Are there no HS/ College kids in the 'hood?

I agree on the $25/hr figure, just say you work from home and have to take time away from that. It's a fine line to look willing and helpful, and to be willing and helpful, without hurting feelings if later a mutual separation is desired.

Exactly, give yourself some room to either be able to adjust price(up or down depending on how expenses are going) and for one of the two to back out of the deal if it's not working out...and to do it graciously, knowing and having talked about it up front is key.
My neighbor does part time yard work for $25/hr with his own stuff, but he's in his 50's so doesn't rush, just works steady and none of his jobs are just 1 hour. He doesn't tear around in a hurry wrecking stuff like the pro's do.
Anyways, if you have to load up your equipment on your trailer every time, you won't be interested in doing all that for just an hour of work either, use their stuff or price the job to make it worthwhile to you.
Originally Posted By: FL_Rob
This whole thread has innuendo written all over it.Here's to you Mrs.Robinson.

Just sayin'....

Haha, nah I'm not attracted to women in their 70s.

Thanks for the advice everyone.
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