Water Spots On Glass

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Feb 26, 2013
Central Virginia
I have tried Bar Keepers Friend (similar to Bon Ami) and although it has helped, there are still spots that won't come off the glass. Any suggestions?
Vinegar/water... 50/50.

Maybe clay bar?

I'd only use steel wool as a last resort... and maybe not even then.
I have had great results with newspaper.

First clean with a glass cleaner. When dry crumple up a sheet of newspaper and go over the glass with the dry newspaper. Requires effort in rubbing but normally = great results.
Originally Posted By: mrsilv04
Vinegar/water... 50/50.

Maybe clay bar?

I'd only use steel wool as a last resort... and maybe not even then.

+1 If Bonami (or barkeepers) doesn't work I would really clean the windows, try a clay bar with soapy water (car wash soap and water.) if that doesn't work I would try the lightest steel wool possible.
Glass Wax. The original was discontinued long ago, but there are several versions still available, though you may have to look in hardware or drug stores or buy online. Use it just like a liquid/soft cream car wax, leaves glass super clear.

Plus: you can decorate your windows with it for Christmas & other holidays. Use stencils & the glass wax, let dry, & when ready to remove, just wipe with a clean cloth. Leaves the windows nice & clean too. My younger brothers & I *Loved* this when we were little kids!
Car polish and a good buffer. Not the cheap ones but a good one. Best way iv found. Water/vinegar hasn't worked very well for me but a little a better then none.

My car spots again but it was cracked and I was planning on replacing it. In fact a few days ago the crack jumped a good foot while it was parked for a week.
Sounds like the hard water etched your glass, if that's the case:
Cerium Oxide, glass polishing pads (I LOVE the ones by Car Pro), and a rotary or dual action polisher. It's not a quick fix by any means, but where I live, you could try vinegar, clay, barkeepers friend etc all day long and never make a dent in the spots because they have etched the glass most of the time (terrible water).
0000 steel wool or similar synthetic steel wool with soapy water. Don't rub hard!! A light touch will do you.

I'm surprised vinegar hasn't worked.
Originally Posted By: FastEddie
Sounds like the hard water etched your glass, if that's the case:
Cerium Oxide, glass polishing pads (I LOVE the ones by Car Pro), and a rotary or dual action polisher. It's not a quick fix by any means, but where I live, you could try vinegar, clay, barkeepers friend etc all day long and never make a dent in the spots because they have etched the glass most of the time (terrible water).

For starters, I would try CarPro's Ceriglass on a foam polishing pad. If it doesn't work, then step up to the glass pads.
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