A Movie Title

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May 2, 2007
I'm searching the title of a movie. I know it's more than a little off topic, but... It's about a guy who writes all his songs for the same girl (a girl he isn't with). He goes on tour with his band and plays guitar, but he performs with his back to the audience. It's driving me nuts, though that's not a very long drive.
Do you remember any actors or actresses?
How old is the movie? Any other details about the plot??
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Jim Morrison of the doors started out that way. There was a movie in the early 90'a called " The Doors" by Oliver Stone.
A guy is hung up on a girl. He starts writing good songs about her and builds up a good size library. His band goes on the road and does his music. I think, towards the end of the movie, he talks to her and she doesn't even realize he's hung up on her.
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