Bored Mitsubishi salesmen

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What kind of 40 year old rapper with a receding hair line doesn't want to sit in the evo at the Mitsubishi dealership?
LOL. ONLY IN CANADA! Just Kidding. This would make me never go to this dealership. I noticed that each time he showed his fingers relating to a number, he had to double check how many fingers he had up. The last time he said 4, showed 3 then looked and put up another finger lol.
What truly sad is some idiot had to fork out actual money for that mess. I'm not sure what's more pathetic,that someone actually chose to be seen in that joke or that someone spent real money on video and production,which by the looks of it cost more than the talent fees.
Obviously some part of Toronto. No where else in the country would that be acceptable.
In fact I'll bet it brought in customers.
Number of Mitsubishi dealers in the US = around 700.

Number of Mitsubishi cars sold in the US in January, 2014 =

4867/700 = On average, 7 cars sold in the month of January, per dealer.

mitsubishi have premium prices and nothing that interests me.

everything seems 5 year old tech or more.
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