Temporary repair for cracked tooth?

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May 25, 2005
Ok I cracked my tooth last night eating twizzlers and while it isn't huge it's a decent size piece missing. Large enough that part of the filling is showing. I'm also sure I have a cavity in the same tooth that will need to be fixed. Now I do have a kit that i picked up at Walmart (can't Find it) that is a cap with "Dentist Grade" sealant. Will this make it worse? I don't know if I can be squeezed into a slot for a dentist appointment before the 4th. Any home remedies?
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Lowest bidder wal-mart quality, lead-laced dentist grade sealant? LOL.

Do you have the other piece? Not sure if it is saveable, but put it in milk in the fridge.

Sorry to hear of the situation - dont have a solution, fortunately Ive never had a cavity and knock on wood, my teeth are strong. I cant understand how a twizzler broke a tooth. Was it frozen?
Just keep it clean and make your dentist appointment. You're wasting your money on "Mr Fixit" from WM.

If it's painful you can get some topical painkillers (like numzit for babies or similar); but the few days you'll have to wait to see the dentist won't hurt it.
Ok thanks for the Replies. No the kit i picked up from wal-mart doesn't have lead in it. I don't praise wal-mart but holy cow, the tooth sealant isn't made by them.
Chew sugar free gum then mold it over the tooth, will help if you have an exposed nerve.

Tastes better than gauze
The twizzlers sat in my car for a couple of days, they weren't hard, but a little more firm than they usually are. I suspect I also suspect i have a cavity, which upon reading said can weaken a tooth.
I had a tooth break while eating a raw green bean I plucked from the garden while pushing the lawn mower. I was horrified. Running your tongue over it probably gives the sensation of being worse than it is.

I believe that like the rest of the body, you are somewhat predisposed with the cards dealt to you, including tooth strength. Sure, you can hedge your bets with good dental hygiene, but sometimes even the best care won't overcome your fate.

The good news is that today's dentists can repair nearly anything. There's a good chance you may have to get a crown. It's not the end of the world. But, I can empathize with that gut wrenching feeling when it breaks and you suddenly feel like all heck has fallen on you.

Rest assured that it can be fixed. Call your dentist in the morning. Often, they will squeeze you in for a quick peek, do whatever might be necessary to protect you, and set up an appointment to take care of it.

Take a deep breath and realize that it can and will be fixed.

Take care.
couple Christmases back, I broke a crown free eating some wasabi Peas.
Being Christmas day, the only place open was walgreens...$6 for the temporary filling adhesive crud that is $2.50 elsewhere. (and it wouldn't stick anyway)

of course the dentist office was closed until after the new year...

for the week (until i could get in to see the dentist) I stuck it back in place during the day,& inbetween meals,(it's right up front)w/ a trial size tube of fixodent denture cream.
Broke a molar on an olive pit about 3 years ago. Lost about 40% of the tooth. Dentist remolded the tooth using a compound with UV light to set it. Getting a crown for the tooth in August. No rush on it as it has been fine. No pain and no sensitivity.
I had two molars crack 7 years apart...the same on each side, 2 back from the canines, each cracked along the "valley" front to back, but despite dentists' wanting to do implants, they've held up well since (the first for 10 years now)...but they were in good shape to begin with...cracking due to a bad bite after a couple of wisdom teeth were pulled.

In your case...a carie with a filling, I'd be concern with infection under the filling that could lead to a root canal.

...See a dentist, soon.
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You can temporarily protect it from cutting your tongue or lip with some wax. My orthodontist gave me that years ago in case I ever bent anything.
Originally Posted By: Kuato
Just keep it clean and make your dentist appointment. You're wasting your money on "Mr Fixit" from WM.

If it's painful you can get some topical painkillers (like numzit for babies or similar); but the few days you'll have to wait to see the dentist won't hurt it.

+1 It could be time for a crown.

I broke one on a pretzel, right up to the filling. Running my tongue across it, it feels really bad. My dentist said it was OK, but there will be a crown in my future. Its been about 4 years, and I should really get it done.
If it is a crack, you need a crown. They can put a temp crown on it while waiting for a real crown to be made but still need to visit a dentist for that.

Temp repair? A bottle of pain killer and sensitive toothpaste until you get the perm solution.
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