fuel saving......NOT!!!!!!

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May 12, 2003

How can you start SAVING on FUEL COST NOW?

To purchase MPG FUEL CAPS or to become a Distributor go to: www.globalfuelnow.com

2 minute pre-recorded call: 877-222-6741 (toll free)
15 minute pre-recorded call: 512-703-8072
How do they work?

The MPG-CAPS isolates the sulfur molecules and other impurities found in fossil fuels, preventing the formation of sludge, varnish and acids that are harmful to fuel systems and engines. The MPG-CAPS have had Tests Conducted and Registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Facilities and have already been in use for more than thirty years by several municipalities, other government agencies and many commercial firms.

The ingredients in the MPG-CAPS Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Tablet break the fuel down to its molecular level so that it is presented to the combustion chamber in a much finer mist. This creates a more efficient Burn which Increases Power, increases mileage, saves money and nearly eliminates all harmful exhaust emissions.

Do you know anyone who would be interested in SAVING $.25-$.50 per gallon/liter of gas or diesel fuel with a product that is non-toxic, non-flammable, and 100% biodegradable? The primary benefits of using this product are: reduced environmental pollution, maximized performance, and significant SAVINGS at the gas pump.
More snake oil.

If yah' gots a truck with dual fuel tanks do you get twice the mileage savings?
"....have already been in use for more than thirty years by several municipalities, other government agencies and many commercial firms."

Thanks for spending my tax dollars.
I'm making the sorbent material right now in my lab, which DOES a lot of what is claimed by them (this is REAL S&T... Go NAVY!). Thing is, you cant make it of hydrocarbon, and it has to be regeneerated... let's do a mass balance on your gas tank... some mass of sulfur and impurities go in... Unless theyre removed out a magical port, guess where they go? You guessed it, through the engine!

There is no way (unless you solidify them and trap them in a fuel filter, which wouldnt really work for very long) that you can remove the stuff they claim, yet let all of it go through the engine... the combustion proicess is just too severe to let it be entrapped and removed without further reaction.

The pic with Data laughing is likely from an episode where that 'Q' character (whom I never cared for) at the very end of the show somehow gives Data something to laugh about.

Serpent oils never do cease appearing, do they????
I've already requisitioned it and sent it in an email. I've had tivo for a couple years and just now realized I could record old Next Gen episodes so I'm kinda rediscovering TNG right now! Seeing as I was 11 when the show premiered. Never mind that I've watched the reruns a bazillion times since.....

Back on topic......
I know, those "things" have been around for a long time. I just like the way it was presented. Like someone is trying another way to re-invent the wheel.
Reinvent wheel?

Well, I suppose the typical bureaucrat flunky lackey idiot would try to impose an oblate spheroid upon us and create a new federal agency to write up 10 gazillion pages of documentation that encompasses all that pertains to the oblate spheroid replacing the wheel.

Only 13 bazillion tax dollars needed to implement the process.... for the first fiscal year.
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