They just can't stop banning stuff

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Dec 12, 2002
Reading my monthly gun mag, one of the regulars a knife maker was writing about his prototype foldback locker that complies to the new knife laws.

Laws that make the traditional locking folder illegal to own/import, so he was coming up with a new mechanism that requires two hands to open. One to unlock the blade to allow it to open.

Looking online, it's even more stupid than it looks in the first place.

Article was QLD, they are nation wide now.

Thoughts hark back to stranded rock climbers cutting their arm off, and how they could possible do that if they can't open the things one handed.
How does your government feel about carrying a hunting knife? Is it against the law to have one strapped to your belt in a public place? If so, how about a steak knife in a public eating establishment?
Because your most discerning muggers flip thru the high end hunting magazines at the cigar shop seeing what new products are to be released this spring...
Originally Posted By: GreeCguy
How does your government feel about carrying a hunting knife? Is it against the law to have one strapped to your belt in a public place? If so, how about a steak knife in a public eating establishment?

It's illegal to have a knife in your possession unless you can demonstrate to the officer (and at his sole discretion) that you are using it for employment, or for some other lawful activity...our Police Comissioner made the statement "if there's a knife in your pocket, you better be carrying a fishing rod".

Bloke in the gun club received a warning for a leatherman on his belt. Apprentice chef got charged, as instead of catching the train straight home after work (legal), he stopped at a pub on the way home before catching the train.
A few years ago, the Customs Office was going to ban one hand opening knives, I and many others wrote to our Congressmen, it was stopped.

I am a past Boy Scout Leader and started carrying a knife then. I found it to be so useful, I still carry a pocket knife.
Drilling crew i worked with the other day each had an old flip out pocket knife. Worked great, sharp as, and quick. Guess they're outlwas.
A good knife is standard equipment for sailing. You should also have a lanyard on the knife and or it should float so you don't loose it if the boat flips. If the boat ever flips and you or someone else has a limb get tangled in a line, a knife can end up being a life saver.
First they take your guns and free speech. Then your hunting knifes, pocket knives and even steak knives. What will they think of next?

I always imagined Australia should be like the US was in the past, a little wild and free. It's kind of shocking to hear how it's more like some kind of dictatorship. Why do the Aussies tolerate it?
Why do the Aussies tolerate it?

Why do we tolerate the left's usurping of our Constitutional rights?
It's like boiling a frog.

They keep announcing these "common sense", "nobody needs" sound bites on the media, and most of the sheeple lap it up, until the "sensible" legislation affects them.
Originally Posted By: MolaKule
Why do the Aussies tolerate it?

Why do we tolerate the left's usurping of our Constitutional rights?

Yeah I know what you mean, the left and right though.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
It's like boiling a frog.

They keep announcing these "common sense", "nobody needs" sound bites on the media, and most of the sheeple lap it up, until the "sensible" legislation affects them.

I guess it just seems scarey to me that if they can do it there they can surely do it here too. Americans' rights have been slowly and cleverly chipped away for years. It just seems that they do it blatantly there in Australia.
Originally Posted By: MolaKule
Why do the Aussies tolerate it?

Why do we tolerate the left's usurping of our Constitutional rights?

1996 gun grab (the big one) was Conservatives.
I've carried a pocket knife since the day I was born. Growing up on the farm, everybody had a pocket knife. While I'm not ancient (yet), I'm old enough to remember every boy in school had a pocket knife, (and not for self defense). I can't even begin to describe how useful a knife is in day to day living from opening packages and envelopes to sharpening pencils to digging out a splinter or cutting open an orange while walking through the grove. For years now, I always carry two - a regular knife and a razor knife. The razor knife is so very useful and I don't have to worry about messing up the blade as I can simply replace the razor. The regular knife I carry out of habit. Probably the oddest thing I've used it for was at a funeral. The deceased has been cremated and was going to be "scattered." The minister doing the service couldn't get the bag open to scatter the ashes. He fumbled for a bit, so I whipped out my pocket knife, cut the top off the bag, (heavy plastic), and the service continued. Can you imagine what would have happened if the pastor had ripped the bag open? (Have you ever opened a bag of potato chips and had the chips go everywhere - picture that with a bag of human ashes - not pretty).
I got my first knife at age 6, with a whet stone, never been without one except the one time I flew commerical. I've never cut anyone by accident, except myself, and doubt I ever will.

I find it amusing the govt issues switch blades to LEOs, same with high cap mags and full auto M4s.

Something wrong with this picture.

Yeah, I was sharpening sticks at school in grade 3 with a pocket knife...we had a comp going to see how deep we could jam a sharpened stick into a ghost gum.

Primary schoolers whittling...would now be greeted by SWAT teams and water cannons
The thing that's absolutely farcical about the whole thing is that absolutely everything that has us at the top of the current food chain, at some stage has an edged tool (note, tool, not weapon).

If you eat meat, someone at a slaughterouse has used an edged tool on your behalf. Buy a piece of lumber, someone has used an edged tool. You cabinet maker is using an edged tool.

It's pretty hard to cook dinner (even vegan) without an edged tool, but some doctors are currently calling for a ban on carving knives.

Locking folders have been used by people for ages, but got mixed up in the Ninja butterfly knife banning craze...a butterfly knife can be opened one hand, therefore any folder needs two hands to be legitimate.
I always carry a pocket knife.

It is unfair to have in a fist fight, but usually the bad guys don't consider three of them attacking one guy unfair.

If being a law abiding citizen is defined by villainous politicians, I don't mind being a villain.

Also, you can't call the police to cut a piece of twine for you.
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