It just keeps getting better and better / verse 2

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Aug 22, 2009
Pittsburgh,PA U.S.A.
A while back I wrote of the PAT bus that had a duel wheel fall off while going down the major highway, and of the two cars in opposing traffic that wrecked because the drivers chose to change course and wreck instead of having a bus tire bounce through their front windshield.

Then days later the news reporter showed the florescent plastic indicators with a pointer that would turn if the lug nut were to turn after being put on.


Now for verse 2 in the more recent news:

It looks like those indicators and proper torquing to speck were something that is not required for school-buses, because on the news there was a report of a full size school-bus that had a wheel fall of while fully loaded with school kids.

The state police were called to look at it, and also safely transfer the children to a different school-bus.

And the reporter went on to explain that the state police found that the school-bus was out of inspection. The company was called and another school-bus was sent to pick up the children. The second school-bus was a big van with all the school-bus trim including the yellow paint job. It was too small to take all of the children. And to top it off, it too was out of inspection. A third school-bus was called.

So a few hours later the news comes on again and I think that it is going to lead off with the same story about the school-bus. But NO here is how the next new went:

It start off with a connivance store clerk standing outside of the connivance store and explaining that he thought he would let the police take care of the problem, (I did not ketch what the problem was) but in the next part the reporter explains that the two police officers perused the individuality in his vehicle at high speed, and go on to explain the rout traveled, and then that the individual fired several rounds at the two police officers during the high speed pursuit. It then goes on to explain that the police officers wrecked their vehicle and shows a major wrecked police vehicle, not a good angle and not good lighting for the picture but it looked like the center of the front bumper was where the center of the firewall was. Ok, now I am thinking that now there is some idiot out there that got away and thinks nothing about firing rounds in public at police officers. And then the reporter went on to explain that further down the road the suspect wrecked his vehicle, and shows a major wrecked vehicle, and was taken into custody.

And then my uncle calls up and talked about the local new where he lives (Rochester New-York) . He said you want to hear something funny, the new reporter opened the news today with " and now for the shootings for today".

Boy it just keeps getting better and better.

Maybe one of the good things about winter is that it does seem to keep all the shooting down because the ones who would be doing the shooting are stuck indoors most of the time.
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
None of that would have happened if the police had connived to peruse him at a slower speed.

The truly sad part is that the OP doesn't have a clue about why you posted this.
- - things are tough all over - locknload

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