RainX Removal

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Oct 25, 2008
Maryland, USA
I was cleaning my windshield the other day and found that, in just the right light, I could see water spots especially outside of the wiper sweep. No problem I thought just bring out the vinegar. It did nothing. Then I wondered if the RainX I had used a few weeks ago could have locked in the spots. Keep in mind to the average person the windshield is spotless but I assume those on this forum understand where I am going. I want spotless even if I am the only one that notices.
So do you think it could be the RainX and if so how does one remove it so I can start over? I would prefer to use something I may already have around the house ie thinned rubbing compound, Bar Tenders Friend etc.
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A Claybar for paint works just fine. Buy a new one and use water instead of the spray they specify for paint claying. Just did it mysellf on a windshield with 250 + K. No more wiper chatter.
I don't know about specifically removing rainx, but i've had good results using windex and crunched up newspaper (the plain pages not the glossy pages that most ads are printed on) pages on windshields inside and outside, seems to work on getting out the dust/oil that builds up on the inside so possibly could work on the rainx.
Its not the rainX. Speaking off RainX. I have only bought one bottle and it still has product it. I bought it in 1992. Lol.
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