Refractometer for anti-freeze?

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Sep 12, 2002
Is it possible to use a Brix meter (% mas sucrose) to determine the condition of engine coolant?

I have one that measures 0-30 Brix.

[ February 28, 2003, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: metroplex ]
The refractometer that I use for coolant condition would be the one that measures freeze protection for both ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. It also gives you the %value of glycol. This would tell you if you need to add water or not. I think you can buy them for a few hundred dollars.
I picked up a box of Castrol test strips for $25.

Tells you if the concentration (Ethylene Glycol only), and anti corrosion are up to scratch.
What we use this particular refractometer for at work is to test the coolant levels.
I don't know why they use a Castrol Brix meter.

I just went and did a test.

With distilled water, it should be at 0 degrees (water has no sucrose in it).

Pure anti-freeze is off the scale.

But 50/50 is close to 32 degrees, the max reading of the Brix meter.

I figure if the ethylene glycol level is lower than normal, I could see this quantitatively as it'd be under 32 degrees.

If its off the scale then I know it needs more distilled water??

[ March 01, 2003, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: metroplex ]
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