Napa Silver - Oil filter cut open

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Mar 15, 2008
Here is what a Napa Silver filter looks like:




Gastonia, NC... that's my dog! sorry, had to give a shout out to WIX.
I am too cheap to cut up a new filter, but it is cleaner and you see if you want to run one. You also don't have to wonder if the pleats distorted in use. How important are razor straight pleats?
Originally Posted By: benjamming
Why did you cut up a new filter? Wouldn't you learn the same information if it had been used?

It's been on my workbench forever, and I would have never used it anyway. It's supposedly for my Audi 1.8T, but I run the large Mann filters on it, and this Napa in comparison is about half the size. It came with the car when I bought it... It might have been the old spec for that car, because Audi increased the filter size as a response to the sludging motors that came up in the early '00s.
I hacked a napa pro select open last year, 3 months and 980 miles on it, stop n go traffic. It is a nice built filter for cheap, but...upon hacking it open. the media from base to top, was slouching! like it was getting ready to peel off or something! it was warped and saggy. Ive hacked quite a few fitlers open, and never ever saw any of them with this knid of filter media damage* First time i ever saw this on filter media.
Here is a closeup of the media on a different Napa silver filter. (A used one after 5000 miles on Q Horse Power)..


Originally Posted By: labman
Looks like a fairly good filter, but very few pleats.

I agree, at least on this model of the filter. The one in the original post looks better, as far as pleats.

As I said before, I got 3 of these to try them out. They are cheaper than the Supertechs I buy. If I like them, I'll stock up, otherwise back to the Supertechs.
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