Whats going on with this?

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"Since normally aspirated 3.2 liter Otto and Diesel engines will typically generate about 200 horsepower at 4000 RPM, it can be assumed the IPC would generate 0.125 * 200=25 HP, if the energy efficiency was the same between engines. Since it is arbitrarily expected the IPC engine will be twice as energy efficient as the peak efficiencies of similarly displaced Otto and Diesel engines, it is expected the 3.2 liter IPC engine will produce 50 HP at 4000 RPM."

It sounds like it would be a decent engine for a Chevrolet Volt type of vehicle, where the engine doesn't directly power the drive wheels, but drives a generator which in turn supplies electrical power for the wheel drive motors. Since it has a very narrow RPM range where it is twice as efficient as a normal ICE, it is either completely off or running at WOT.
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