How many Canadian BITOGERS like guns?

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Jun 16, 2003
Edmonton, AB Canada
I do. And... every time I talk to someone new about shooting they get excited and say things like; "Next time you go shooting, can I come?". It's like they come out of the woodwork. They like guns, but it seems they are afraid to admit it until someone else admits it first.
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I'n not canadian, but I have some interest, maybe next time my BIL goes pig shootin I want to go with. THey're up in Queensland though so it may be years away
I may take you up on that offer, Thanks! I hardly ever go much further than Part Mac. by road, unless flying to Sydney maybe once a year or so. I know nothing about guns though. I like the though of having a rifle.
I was taught how to shoot properly by my high school teacher when we had a shooting club at school.He was an Olympic gold medal winner in the .22 cal rifle.His name was Gerald Ouellette.This was a time when teachers brought firearms to the class to show students.I remember buying my first .22 rifle (Cooey)from Sears in the local mall here and walking thru the mall to my car,gun in hand un-encased,with nobody giving me a second look.What happened to our society since then?Anyway firearm ownership in Canada is sort of a underground activity due to the trouble with school shootings and the like.Yet almost all video games and action movies have guns blazing.But if we survived the last assault on gun ownership, by the last Liberal government with their "social re-engineering" agenda ,then as a whole the firearms owners in Canada can survive anything! sorry for my rant.
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Originally Posted By: crinkles
I'n not canadian, but I have some interest, maybe next time my BIL goes pig shootin I want to go with. THey're up in Queensland though so it may be years away

Not quite what I had in mind, as I don't know what the gun ownership laws are in Australia, or how political gun issues are there.... But, you're in Commonwealth, so I guess you count.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
crinkles if you are down this way one saturday morning, I'll take you to the target range.

Don't you guys have to have a license just to look at a gun much less touch one?
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Don't you guys have to have a license just to look at a gun much less touch one?

Up until a few months ago, only people who had a licence (endorsed target), and were temporary members of our club could shoot (or had a three month commissioner's exemption and temporary membership. We could, once per year, at the discretion of the Commissioner hold an open day, and invite the public to shoot a small number of rimfire/centrefire cartridges, under our control.

State Govt wanted to sell the power industry, and courted the Shooter's Party, who hold a number of seats in the senate.

Their bribe was to allow us to invite unlicenced people onto the range once (per person) to demonstrate to potential new members. Huge form to fill out (which for a change makes the filler inner responsible for the accuracy of the information, not us), and a lot of process...but it's worth it if it introduces people to the sport.

The second part of the bribe was the waiving of the 28 day "cooling off" period when applying for a permit to aquire a firearm of which you already have one...i.e. you don't have to "cool off" for a .22 purchase if you already have a .22.

Minority and interest parties certainly are worth voting for.
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Originally Posted By: Shannow
crinkles if you are down this way one saturday morning, I'll take you to the target range.

Don't you guys have to have a license just to look at a gun much less touch one?

Yes... you have to have a license to handle a firearm at a store,purchase ammo,use a firearm while hunting (but not at a range while you are being instructed by a license holder),and of course if you purchase a rifle or shotgun.Handguns are little more restrictive but if you are a regular member, long-gun shooter, at a range in Canada then getting a handgun is not that high a hoop to jump through.
Originally Posted By: y2k345
I`m into firearms, have waaaaaaay too many.

How's that possible? Are they competing for space, with your oil stash, in you gun safe?
Originally Posted By: firemachine69
We need our own Shooter's Party up here.

Waiting on procurring myself a Beretta CX-4 Storm re-barelled to be a non-restricted firearm (i.e. barrel length over 18").
Been a member of the National Firearms Association for years...great organization for gun owners in Canada...and if you live in Ontario the "Ontario federation of Anglers and Hunters" is a great voice for gun owners in Ottawa.
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