Better driver today?

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Yes.. I have a bigger voice in my head to slow down, speed up, shut up do this do that.. selective hearing is kicking in but I might have to resort to duct tape..
Yes, considering I only had my permit for 4 months back then. But I'm a better driver now than I was even two years ago. Of course occasionally I still do crazy and stupid stuff.
Yes and No:

Yes - I am more careful and drive slower, less aggressive.
No - I can't handle driving a 500 mile trip on Friday night and another 500 mile trip on Sunday night back, every other week, anymore.
Certainly not as good as I was 10 years ago (at 30), and not as good as I was 5 years ago, but in a different way.

With children, I try to be more careful, which is better but distraction mean that I do silly inattentive mistakes.
XS650 has it ..but left off the other half

Most of us are safer drivers after we get a certain age. We're better when we're more reckless. Our making it this far with some of the stuff we pulled off is testimony to our superior abilities.

Then again, a few of us are here by pure dumb luck (or your personal "stay out of heaven - I'm not through with you yet" card)

I go slower and don't take it personally anymore. I still try to drive well, think of others, look ahead, etc.

The last ticket I got was in 2001 or 2002, IIRC.

I hope I haven't jinxed that. I rarely speed anymore, and before it was highway only. I really can't stand speeding in urban driving. Too many things can go wrong with no where to go in town.
I drive far I must be a far less driver....

More relevant to me are motorcycles - in my '40's I was putting it all together...the stupidity of my teens,the recklessness of my 20's and the experimenting of my '30's all combining to make me a better rider.I was racing off road,on a dirt track and trials riding,I just felt on top of my game.Riding on the road I was pretty aggressive and pushed the bike hard...never crashed,but I was really enjoying myself.

Now in my mid '50's I ride an off road 2 stroke on the street,it's crazy quick and I'll use all it's got.But the urgency has gone...I just want to get out on the back roads and ride my own ride.
Yes ..I've lost my need for speed. Now I just don't get in a hurry anymore. Now it's about variables and caution ..all the stuff experience tells you that you probably can't cope with. I occasionally get to the highway and go with the flow ..but that's about it.

I don't own anything that can handle now ..and it can go as fast as I need to go. I fear children in the street ..something you can't understand until you have them. Now I'm really going 25 or less in the 25mph zones in our neighborhoods (for a good long time).
Originally Posted By: GROUCHO MARX
Honestly, are you a better driver today than you were 5 years ago?

Better based on what and by whose measure?
Depends on which vehicle I'm driving!

Truck -

Car -

I still take care in the car, though.
Originally Posted By: moribundman
Originally Posted By: GROUCHO MARX
Honestly, are you a better driver today than you were 5 years ago?

Better based on what and by whose measure?

Based on your own measure and perception, mori.
No..unfortunately with age comes some losses. Your "Scanning Rate" drops off. And for me, night vision and vision sharpness is declining. I drive more carefully to compensate.

I was blessed with better than average reflex time and they have not declined.
Originally Posted By: Al
No..unfortunately with age comes some losses. Your "Scanning Rate" drops off. And for me, night vision and vision sharpness is declining. I drive more carefully to compensate.

I was blessed with better than average reflex time and they have not declined.

Yes ..night vision is decaying. Add a rainy night on some formerly rural(now suburban) thoroughfare ..and you appreciate fog lights for how they illuminate the berm. My reflexes are okay in a static sense ..but my ability to process/integrate complex visuals is declining (which I think is what you said).
Originally Posted By: Al
No..unfortunately with age comes some losses. Your "Scanning Rate" drops off. And for me, night vision and vision sharpness is declining. I drive more carefully to compensate.

I was blessed with better than average reflex time and they have not declined.

Al, had I expanded on my "No" answer, mine would have been about the same as yours. At least you and I are aware and compensate, I'm still more aware of what's going on around me than the average driver, but not as good as I was.

It's the old geezers and geezettes that pay even less attention as they become more self centered and oblivious in old age that worry me. I took an AARP 55 Alive driving safety course for old geezers. It was useful, but what was a real eye opener was the self centered old geezers and geezettes in the class that truly believed that the world should adjust to them.

For you kids under 60, ... A useful fact from that class is that most old geezers accidents occur at intersections, so if you see an elderly person at an intersection, beware. Assume the will drive right in front of you. Per mile driven, they are as dangerous as teenagers and will nail you when you least expect it.
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