What cleaner to use for oil stains on concrete driveway?

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I used diluted Muriatic Acid. Use lots of safety and precautiosn, kids - it's dangerous stuff!

But it works like a charm, and it's cheap.
Greased lightening is the best thing at removing grease/oil period.I used diluted Muriatic Acid. Tried both the stains stayed the concrete lightened around them. I pounded the powerded concrete mix into the stain swept most of it up the next day. Then watered it lightly brushed the remaining with a stiff broom let dry. Today I will look at the drive and see if it hardened or whatever.Even the hard to remove rubber tire mark looks good. If the new concrete is dark I will let it weather for a week and perhaps put some bleach on it to try and lighten it up. I would almost rather have darker spots on the drive with new concrete than oil spots.
I used to sweep parking lots. Always carried some OIL DRY (cheaper then kitty litter) on the sweeper trailer. Scatter it over a stain, grind it in thoroughly with your shoe, let sit while blowing out the corners and curbs and then sweep it all up.

Put some kitty litter on it, then grind it in with a brick or piece of 2Xsomething. Let it set till it all blows away and the stain is gone.

i did that...stains still there...so i busted out the concentrated degreaser and pressure washer....
must not have rinsed it too well...now there are oil stains and streaks of white....great, it's my mother-in-law's driveway too!
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