Approximate shelf life of FP Plus?

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Sep 5, 2006
New Jersey
As I'm sure many FP users have, I received an email from LCD, Inc. regarding future price hikes due to the increased cost of business. I'm looking to purchase a large amount now in order to reap the 10% discount and avoid any price increases.

What's the shelf life of FP Plus at room temperature? I don't want to buy enough for a couple years and then find out it lost its potency somehow.

I'm not sure on the official answer but I still have half of a bottle left of FP3000 I ordered last summer and I'm still using it with good results. The additives start to settle a little bit on the bottom so I just shake it up before I put it into my measuring bottle.
Good question. I'm also at about a half bottle (gallon) from last summer and wondering whether or not to indulge.
Stuff seems to work, though.
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